Encouragement Café

Loving With the Right Kind of Love - Encouragement Café - January 22

Loving With the Right Kind of Love
 By Savannah Parvu

We who are strong ought to bear with the failings of the weak and not to please ourselves. Each of us should please our neighbors for their good, to build them up. Romans 15:1-2 NIV

Love is something that I grew up without. To be honest I didn’t even know what love was. I didn’t have parents or other people in my life tell me that they loved me. Really, love was something that I never thought much about one way or the other.

As I grew I associated love with men and relationships. I learned that “love” came from dating, but wasn’t really important. The only time that I was told that I was loved was when someone wanted something.

Then… there came the day that I met the maker of love, Jesus Christ! It was then that I learned what Love really was. I never imagined that it could be such a great thing and that one person could have so much love for me.

You see, growing up without being told that I was loved and then being abandoned by my parents at the age of thirteen left me feeling unlovable, but that’s not true because Jesus loves me and He died on the cross for me.

It took me awhile to learn to love others, but as I did it became an amazing part of life. I have since learned how to love selflessly and sometimes that’s not easy. I put my wants and desires last and put others in front. Selfless love sometimes requires doing things that you really don’t like, but you are going to do them to reach someone else for the Glory of God!

When you start to love with a selfless love you will experience love in a way like none other. Will you love with the right kind of love?

Are you putting the needs of others before your wants and desires? If not, consider what you can sacrifice in order to help someone else. Love them with a selfless love.

Dear God, thank You for love, Lord! You provide for our every need in ways that only You can Lord. Help us to praise You and be thankful for that and in turn let us put the needs of someone else in front of our wants and desires. Teach us how to be an example of selfless love. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

© 2019 by Savannah Parvu. All rights reserved.

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