Encouragement Café

Mary First Martha Second - Encouragement Café - December 15

Mary First Martha Second
By Kelly Brown

There is only one thing worth being concerned about.  Mary has discovered it, and it will not be taken away from her. Luke 10:42 NLT

As a young adult Christian, I was definitely a Martha.  I was teaching a youth Sunday school class, working with children on Wednesday nights, the WMU (women's group) director, vacation Bible school director and singing in the choir.  I was doing lots of work for the Lord.  I was busy, busy, busy, serving and working.

Working for the Lord is not a bad thing, but it is not a true relationship with Jesus.  I was so busy doing Jesus work, that I neglected the most important thing... spending time with Him.  I finally came to the realization, during a revival, that working for the Lord is not the same as living for Him.

I began to slow down on working and serving and I made my relationship with Him a priority.  When I started spending quality time in His Word (reading, praying and letting Him speak to me) what a difference it made in my life.  When I take the time to sit at Jesus' feet and allow the Holy Spirit to feed me, then I am better able to serve others.

1 Chronicles 16:11 says,

Seek the Lord and his strength, seek his face continually.  KJV

Granted I don't have multiple positions anymore.  Just writing that list out makes me tired now!  Haha! 

I am still working for the Lord, but I am able to serve in a way that I feel is pleasing to Him.  I first fill myself with the Holy Spirit by spending time with Him so that I can share the love of Jesus with others. 

I want to be more like Mary first, so I can be a better Martha.  I am thankful that the Lord revealed to me how to be a little less like Martha and a lot more like Mary… to pause and sit at His feet.

Seek Him. Take a few moments every morning and seek Jesus.  The more you seek Him, the more you will find Him.  Ask Him to spend the day with you in the choices you make, the words you speak, the actions you take with the people you encounter and in using the gifts of service He has given you.

Lord, help me to be more like Mary.  Help me to take the time to sit at Your feet, to drink from Your cup, to lay back against You and breathe, and to feel Your heart beat.  Lord fill me with more of You so I can be a better Martha for You.  In Jesus’ Name, Amen. 

© 2018 by Kelly Brown. All rights reserved.

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