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Meek, Not Weak - Encouragement Café - August 31, 2015


Meek, Not Weak

Café Menu for Monday, August 31, 2015

Today’s Special is:  A Gentle Spirit

Carefully prepared just for you by your friend, Carolyn Dale Newell

Main Ingredient:

With all lowliness and gentleness, with longsuffering, bearing with one another in love.

Ephesians 4:2 NKJV


Gentleness, otherwise known as meekness, is one of the fruits present in Christians.  It is produced by the Holy Spirit, not man.  

Jesus said that the meek are blessed, and they will inherit the earth.  Paul commanded that our gentleness should be made known to all men.  Timothy pursued it.  Paul instructed Christians to put it on and wear it like a garment.  James said that we should learn through meekness, and Peter’s words tell us to be gentle when we defend our reason for hope.

Meekness is not weakness.  It does not make you a doormat for someone to tread on.  Actually, it is power and strength, but it is a power that is kept under control.  A well-trained horse is strong and mighty, but his training has taught him to be gentle enough for a child to ride.

Joseph had risen to power in Egypt.  He was second in command only to Pharaoh.  His brothers had caused him a lifetime of pain.  They showed up in Egypt searching for food during the famine.  Joseph could have had them killed.  He had that kind of power, but he chose gentleness.  He chose to forgive.

Jesus is characterized by gentleness, but He was powerful.  The winds and seas obeyed Him.  Even the demons were afraid of Him.  He cleansed the temple, driving out the money changers single-handedly.  Yet, He was gentle.

I hate to admit it, but I can get out of control, like a hurricane blowing in from the ocean.  That is the flesh.  God wants me to be filled with the Holy Spirit producing fruits of gentleness.

Today, let’s pursue gentleness, not to be stepped on, but as power under control.  Let’s tame our tongues and speak with gentleness to those we love.  Let’s show gentleness to strangers we meet, allowing them to see Jesus in us.

Take Out:

What are some specific ways you can show gentleness this week?


Lord Jesus,

Thank You for Your example of gentleness.  Help me be gentle, yet strong.  May Your Gentleness and Strength resonate from within me.  Amen.

© 2015 by Carolyn Dale Newell.  All rights reserved.

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