Encouragement Café

Moments Remembered - Encouragement Café - December 28, 2015

Moments Remembered

Café Menu for Monday, December 28, 2015

Today’s Special is:  Sweet Memories

Carefully prepared just for you by your friend, Joan Walker Hahn

Main Ingredient:

Remember the wonders he has done, his miracles, and the judgments he pronounced… He remembers his covenant forever, the promise he made, for a thousand generations.

1 Chronicles 16:12, 15 NIV


Another calendar change.  Another year over.  If this New Year is like all the others, it takes me about three months before I remember to write the correct year! 

When I was a little girl, I remember hearing adults say that the older you get, the faster time flies.  I didn’t understand that at all… until I became a parent… then a grandparent.  Now I know that the saying is true.  It seems like as soon as I do remember to write the correct year, it’s time to add another digit.

The older I get, the more I see how important it is to intentionally slow down and enjoy the moments that are happening right here and now.  Even as Christians, we get so busy trying to do things for the Lord that we fail to notice Him.  We spend time rushing through prayers for help and guidance, but then we fail to see how He has been right there beside us all along.

Through the past year I’ve seen and felt God’s hand working in awesome ways.  When I began doubting myself and feeling unusable by God, doors were opened to serve in new ways.  When I see my grandchildren singing, "Jesus Loves Me,” and animatedly re-telling Bible stories, I see God’s faithfulness to their Christian parents.  When I see someone’s plans fall through for longed-for dreams, I trust for the “better” that God has in store.

It’s good to look back and realize how God was there all the time.  There were many times in the Old Testament when God told the Children of Israel to remember how He had acted on their behalf.  They observed the Passover to remember how He brought them out of Egypt.  In Joshua, the people were told to set up a monument of stones to remind them of how God brought them through the Jordan River. 

Jesus, at the Passover meal, began a New Covenant, telling His disciples how the bread and wine were to cause them to remember how He sacrificed His life for us. 

Even when we are going through things that we don’t understand, God never leaves us and will not forsake us.  When we look back and see how God was with us in the past, we can be sure that He is faithful to be with us in the future.

Take Out:

Recall moments from the past year when you know God was working.  Take time to thank God for how He blessed you.  Take time to praise Him for how He helped you. 

As a new year begins, let’s determine to be more aware of how Christ is working in our daily lives.  Each day that we allow God to control, will be a day filled with sweet memories.


Heavenly Father, Thank You for loving me and caring about every aspect of my life.  You have blessed me so much!  Whatever this year brings, help me remember how You have always been with me so that I may be more aware of Your daily presence.  In Jesus' Name, Amen.  

© 2015 by Joan Walker Hahn.  All rights reserved.

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