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More Than Conquerors! - Encouragement Café - November 2

More Than Conquerors!
by Dawn Aldrich

In all things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. Romans 8:37 NIV

Death crept in, uninvited. He’d invaded my husband’s body without a sound and caught us unaware. My husband was familiar to the uncomfortable waves of aching pain across his abdomen, but this newer, unrelenting ache was different than six weeks prior, now accompanied by unshakable malaise.

The CT scan showed an inflamed appendix and surgery ensued. Post-surgery, he felt brand new, like he’d received a fresh release on life. And, he had.

The surgeon explained, “You won big!” We both looked at him confused. The surgeon continued, “We found carcinoid cells at the tip of your appendix. The cure for this type of cancer is an appendectomy. And, we caught this early, so no other organs were affected.

THIS NEVER HAPPENS! Usually, these types of cancer cells go undetected for years, until it’s too late and spread throughout the body.”

God-smacked, it took us a few minutes to comprehend what he’d said.

Before we knew death had come, before we knew his name, God’s mercy rescued my husband. God saw him. What the enemy meant for harm, God turned around for good. Hallelujah!

And we know that in all things God works for good of those who love him, who have been called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28 NIV

So, what do we do now? What do we do when God has given us a second chance? LIVE! Live life UNDEFEATED! Do those things God has impressed on us to do without reservation.

Move forward with great confidence under God’s direction, with the authority of Christ and the peace of the Holy Spirit to take back Kingdom ground. For my husband, it’s staffing and training with The Crucible Project—a life-changing men’s ministry that helps lead them to deep heart healing and soul-wholeness through Jesus Christ.

Does this victory mean we’ll never face trouble again? On the contrary, the months have proven quite the opposite. We’ve been knocked down and pressed in on all sides. Challenged physically, financially, and emotionally in many different ways. But God has always been faithful. Jesus said,

In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world! John 16:33b NIV

What troubles have found you, today? Take heart, dear sister, Jesus has overcome that. God sees you and He is aware of your situation and He loves you.

Thank Him for His faithfulness in the past and bring before Him your concerns for today. Then, be still. Lay your concerns at His feet and watch what He will do for you.

Papa-God, You are so good to us. You see what we need before we need it. You love us so much that You rescue us before we even know we need rescuing. Thank You for Your Son, Jesus, our great conqueror and Savior, through whom we can call You Abba, Daddy. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

© 2018 by Dawn Aldrich. All rights reserved.

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