Encouragement Café

My Gaze on Praise - Encouragement Café - July 28

My Gaze on Praise
 By Dawn Mast

Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior, who daily bears our burdens. Psalm 68:19 NIV

It seemed like a simple thing. I just needed a parking spot. I was holding out for the really good space at the front of the store so I wouldn't have to walk very far in the rain with a baby, a toddler, and two other children. It really wasn't a simple thing at all. Not to me. It was really, really important. But I didn't pray about it. Still, He knew.

Then I saw a spot open up just steps away from the door. I pulled in;  and before I knew what I was doing, I said, "Thank you Jesus!"

The older kids in the backseat asked why I was thanking Jesus. I said, "For giving us a parking space!"

It wasn't the first time they gave me wide-eyed vacant looks. It wouldn't be the last. But it was a lesson in praising Him at all times. For all things.

Honestly, praise is not always my default. When things don't go my way, I wish I could say I just leap up and praise the Lord. No. Pout is my default. I get lazy when it comes to praising Him, and I'm not proud of that. I forget to just stand in awe of who He is and praise Him. Just Him. Not for what He does, but for who He is.

There are days, many days, when I am prompted to praise the Lord because He sees me, knows my need and meets it before I even ask. This element of who He is presses into my heart and reminds me that He is always worthy of praise!

Today, may you find Him worthy of praise in your life! Praise Him because He loves you and calls you His own.

Praise isn't easy when life is rough and your heart is raw. But, as is so often the case, we can find comfort and beautiful hope for scarred souls in the words of Scripture.

There are 150 Psalms; enough for about 5 months if you read just 1 per day. Or if you are just exhausted and beyond yourself (aren't there many days like that?) think on something about you.

Do you paint well? Bake? Write? Garden? Sing? You have something that the Lord has gifted you with. Praise Him for that gift. Then share it. This honors Him!

Finally, just look around and praise Him for His creation whether it's nature, a baby, the way He has given us the ability to invent and accomplish so much in our lifetime. What a mighty God we serve!

Father God, thank You that You are worthy of praise! Your Word is so true when it claims that, "Your praise reaches to the ends of the earth; your right hand is filled with righteousness." (Psalm 48:10 NIV)

© 2021 by Dawn Mast.  All rights reserved.

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