Encouragement Café

Only One Word Sums It Up - Encouragement Café - January 14, 2016

Only One Word Sums It Up

Café Menu for Thursday, January 14, 2016

Today’s Special is:  My One Word For 2016

Carefully prepared just for you by your friend, Aj Luck

Main Ingredient:

A man has joy in an apt answer, and how delightful is a timely word!

Proverbs 15:23 NAS


I’ll be honest and tell you that I was never really one of “those people” who jumped on the "word for the new year" bandwagon.  I thought it was a fad or a phase.  Before you pass judgment on me, hear me out.

I was making an opinion about something I was apprehensive about.  THEN a few years ago, I decided to dip my big toe into the proverbial pond of "what if."

What if what everyone was saying was actually true?  

Hesitantly, I began to pray something to the effect of,

God, I don’t really know about this word thing but if there is something that You want me to focus on, then make it clear to me.  Break through the critical mess inside of my heart and help me hear You clearly...

Then, a word did become extremely clear to me.

As 2015 closed, God began impressing a word for 2016 on my heart.  The word?


I feel that God is asking me to trust Him in greater measures than I’ve ever trusted Him before.

I’m talking about free falling off of my cliff of comfort zones and REALLY TRUST Him.

Trust Him with my...

  • Health
  • Finances
  • Career
  • Family time
  • Parenting decisions
  • Past
  • Hurts
  • Fears
  • Unknown future

When I try and wrap my head around this on my own, my heart tells me that it’s too difficult.

Yet, Jesus who lives in my heart reminds me that I’m not alone.

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Philippians 4:13 NKJV

I want to encourage and challenge you.  

Will you jump off your cliff of comfort too?  Will you be willing to trust God with this new year, for new opportunities, new beginnings, and unimaginable moments that your Creator has already mapped out for you this year?

I think we will be pleasantly surprised.

Take Out:

Write out the following Acronym for TRUST.  Place on your bathroom mirror or fridge (a place where you will see it often).  Keep this as a daily reminder that your TRUST is in God.  Remember, He does have an excellent plan for 2016.


Dear Jesus, Thank You for giving me a brand new year.  Lord, during this year, help me trust You in greater measure than I ever have been able to before.  Open my eyes to see You more clearly.  Direct my steps to the places You have destined for me to be.  Thank You in advance for opportunities, strength and grace to make this a great year in You.  In Jesus' Name, Amen.

© 2016 by Aj Luck.  All rights reserved.


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