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Pick Me! Pick Me! - Encouragement Café - March 1

Pick Me! Pick Me!
By Linda Gray

And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” Then I said, “Here I am! Send me.” Isaiah 6:8 ESV

For those of us whose skills are other than athletic, waiting to be chosen to play on a kickball team during PE can be humiliating. Especially when chosen last or being the default choice when all others have been spoken for.

What about the overachiever who does everything but light their hair on fire to be called on by the teacher to answer a question? “Pick me! Pick me!” they cry out. The teacher pretends to not see this student and calls on the student behind them who longs to be invisible.

These two scenarios are as old as history itself.  Take a look at 1 Samuel 16:1-13. Samuel was still grieving over how Saul was ruling Israel. He knew it wasn’t God’s plan for Israel to be ruled by a king. But God had given the people what they wanted and it wasn’t going well.

God directs Samuel to Jesse’s home to choose a new king.  Jesse parades his sons before Samuel.  Samuel sees his strong, robust sons may be thinking, “This should be a no-brainer.” One after one God says, “No, he’s not the one.”  After asking if these were all his sons, Jesse mentions David. It wasn’t that Jesse didn’t love this son. It just didn’t occur to Jesse that this young boy could possibly be God’s choice. He would probably be the last chosen for the kickball team if this was a PE class.

When David appears before Samuel, God tells Samuel to anoint him. Imagine the gasps and whispers among his brothers.  Were they jealous?  Proud of their little brother?  We’re not told.

What we are told is that David went on to be referred to as “a man after God’s own heart.”  What a description! Yet, we see that he’s less than perfect. But God used him in spite of his short-comings. 

The Bible is chocked full of many others who, if chosen by human standards, would be picked last. The difference is that man looks at the outward appearance and natural ability. God looks at the heart (1 Samuel 16:7).

That encourages me because I am less than perfect. God can still use me.  In fact, He has chosen me.  He has a plan for me.  He has chosen you. He has a plan for you.  We aren’t His last choice. And we don’t have to bounce around begging Him to notice us. He sees us. All He asks is that we be willing to serve whenever, wherever, and do whatever He asks.

And I’m going to throw this in for free to you moms.  If your child is placed in the position of team captain choosing team members for kickball, encourage them to choose first the one who would be chosen last.  They may not win the game but that non-athletic team member will remember when they were chosen first. 

Heavenly Father, I stand before You as David stood before Samuel. I may not understand why You have chosen me. But here I am!  Send me wherever to do whatever You want me to do.  In Jesus’ name, Amen.

© 2021 by Linda Gray.  All rights reserved.

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