Encouragement Café

Rejoicing with Singing - Encouragement Café - September 2

Rejoicing with Singing
 By Dawn Mast 

The Lord your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you; in his love he will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing. Zephaniah 3:17

The day I’d been dreading for 2 weeks was here. Biopsy day.  I don’t mind surgery day because I get to sleep through most of it, or clean the toilet day, or even give the dogs a bath day.  But I despise biopsy day.  I had worried myself sick about this particular procedure since the last one had resulted in a cancer diagnosis, so I was fairly certain this one wasn’t going to be much fun either. 

Before we ventured off to the hospital I vacuumed like a mad woman (an activity that is strictly forbidden after a breast biopsy) and answered some texts.  One of my friends texted about some needs that concerned her and I replied with Zephaniah 3:17 that had been on my heart and mind since I woke up.  I reminded her God rejoices over her with singing and promised I’d pray for her. 

Then, I went back to worrying about my biopsy. 

I worried it would hurt, I pouted I wouldn’t have the same Christian nurse I had during the last procedure, I fretted the doctor would be cold and impersonal to me, and I was fearful I wouldn’t be aware of God’s presence in the room.  When the nurse (not the same one I was familiar with from the last procedure) came in, she did the usual checklist with me and asked if I had any questions.  I wondered if I could choose my own music to be played in the room during the procedure.  She said, “Of course!  What would you like?”  I was almost sheepish in my request for worship music, but I needed it.  Badly.  This nurse didn’t bat an eye and said, “Absolutely!”

During the procedure there was some activity of people passing things over and around me (probably gross medical stuff that I didn’t need to see or know about), and at one point I was listening to one of my favorite worship songs.  Then I heard the nurse over my left shoulder singing along with the music.  I said, “You know all the words?!”  She said, “Oh yes! This is my favorite!!”

Two hours later my husband and I were driving home.  Then it hit me.  Hard.  Hard enough to make me weep from a place deep within my soul only the Lord knows about.  He made sure there was singing over me.  From the moment I awoke and was worrying, scared and burdened He nudged me toward Zephaniah 3:17 in His Word that says, “I will rejoice over you with singing.” 

Then He made sure it would happen.  He provided someone who knew Him to stand not just near me, but over me in a time of fear and uncertainty and sing.  Literally sing over me. 

Do not ever think He’s forgotten or ignored what you need.  He will send someone to help you.  To lift you up.  To bring you a meal.  To lighten your load.  To hold up your arms.  Whatever you need, He will provide it in ways you may not even see at the moment.  But He is always, always faithful.  Listen today for the ways He faithfully sings over you. 

Take a moment today to see how God is paying sweet attention to you.  Have you asked for something that no one else knows about but the Lord?  Maybe something little, but very important to you.  He answers prayers in the most astounding ways and we get so caught up in our definition of answered prayer that we sometimes miss His response.

The way He answers may not look the way we think or envision.  It may be so far from what we’ve planned, but His answer will take you by surprise and bless you in ways you won’t be able to imagine.  Watch today for the ways God will rejoice over you with His singing. 

Faithful, Holy God, I am amazed today at how You love me.  The way You not only heard my prayer but answered it in such a profound and significant way has left me completely in awe.  Today was a scary day that I was dreading and now I’m thankful for today.  Really thankful!  Your Holiness leaves me in wonder and I know You love me because of the way You see my needs and care for me.  Help me to see the way You love me and marvel at the ways You so often rejoice over me with singing.  I love You Lord!  Amen!

For more encouragement, visit Dawn thatdawnedonme.wordpress.com

© 2020 by Dawn Mast.  All rights reserved.

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