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Resolution Policy - Encouragement Café - January 4, 2016

Resolution Policy

Café Menu for , January 4, 2016

Today’s Special is:  New Chapters In Our Lives

Carefully prepared just for you by your friend, Aj Luck

Main Ingredient:

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; His mercies have never come to an end; They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.

Lamentations 3:22-23 ESV


The calendar has flipped its pages.  A brand new year is upon us.  The giant sparkly ball has dropped officially bringing in a brand new year.

The masses have vowed unending lists of resolutions that they fully intend on keeping (at least for the first 30 days).

Me?  Well, I have made it somewhat of a policy over the past few years NOT to make New Years resolutions.

Yep.  I am completely serious.

I have RESOLUTED not to resolute.


Several years ago I came to a stark realization.  At the end of every year my mind and heart became somewhat of a playground for the enemy.



He took the entire year and ran the “film” before me.  He highlighted some of his favorite moments.

My good intentions.

My failures.

My shortcomings.

My flaws.

My struggles.

My addictions.

My shame.

My fear.

My insecurities.

Then he coated all of those memories in a sticky, ugly, gooey mess of guilt.

There it was, one big blob of the terrible side of me.

The side I so often judged myself by.

Now, riddled in guilt I would pull out a piece of notebook paper, and in essence recap all the things I hated about myself then try and disguise them in a list to “do better.”

Then one day it hit me.  It was trap.  It was all a vicious cycle, a horrific nightmare of self-induced promises to fix the brokenness inside of me on my own; something that I would never be able to do.

So now, each time the calendar ushers in a new year, I take in a deep breath and realize that God has brought me to a horizon of magnificent promises in Him.  I open my eyes, and say

Thank you Lord for a brand new year.  Together, let’s impact this world for you.  Use my brokenness to glorify you.

In the process I can trust that He will not only heal me, but use me in the way He has established way before my years were even assigned to me.

It’s guilt free and so much more joyous!

So, let’s do this together...

INHALE God.  EXHALE regret and fear.

Together let us celebrate a HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Take Out:

Instead of making a new years resolution this year, consider making “WHO I AM” list.

Write down everything that God says you are.  Put this on your fridge.  When you find yourself feeling down, discouraged, afraid or even insecure, review the list and tell the enemy of your soul that you are:


You Matter.

You DO have purpose in this world.

Then give Jesus an invisible High Five, right there in your kitchen!

Remind the enemy that no matter what he tries to whisper to you, you ARE going to do great things WITH JESUS this year!


Dear God, Thank You so much for brining me to the sunrise of another year.  Thank You for being my Savior, King, Friend, Creator and Very Breath of Life.  Thank You in advance for all that You have prepared for us to do together this year.  Open my eyes to see You more clearly.  Open my ears to hear You more clearly and finally open my heart to follow You more intently this year.  I trust You with every moment of this upcoming year.  I thank You in advance for being my strength, ability and so much more.  No matter what these days may bring, I know You are with me.  Thank You.  I love You Lord Jesus.  Amen

© 2016 by Aj Luck.  All rights reserved.

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