Encouragement Café

Rest - Encouragement Café - November 4

 By Paris Renae

They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31b NLT

Some nights sleep is illusive. I’m not fretting about anything in particular. And weariness isn’t really in my mind or body – could it be soul rest is missing?

In this world, that wouldn’t be a hard thing to miss out on. Just when I think I’m getting prayer, Bible study, and seeking the Holy Spirit (and all the things I know are God’s best for me) figured out – there’s this uneasiness. Is it a stirring to more, is complacency setting in? Or is there something on the horizon and preparation is needed?

Do you find yourself, at times, needing just a bit more… rest? Then here’s what we need right now:  “Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28 NIV)

There is a call to action in that verse. Can’t just read it and be done. Three words: Come – To – Me. If you’re like me, I look at those words and say: ‘I do, I come to You, where is this rest?’ It’s there and I know it. When I’m lost in reading His words, it’s there. When I lose myself in fervent prayer, it’s there.

But what about in the middle of the night? Or the unanswered prayer? Or the fear that creeps in now and then? “Take up My yoke and learn from Me, because I am lowly and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” (Matthew 11:29 CSB)

Another call to action: take up My yoke. Have I, have you? How do we? It goes back to the first step – come to Me. The yoke of accepting salvation, of taking off our old ways and habits and putting on His ways. Daily putting on His Word, covering ourselves with prayer, and, with every step, seeking the Holy Spirit to show us the way.

Jesus says about all this: “For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” (Matthew 11:30 CSB) And it is. So much lighter than fretting about all the world’s troubles and politics and unfairness and money and relationships and all that s-t-u-f-f. So much lighter is the load of t-r-u-s-t.

I want to trust, but I’m learning it’s a lifelong process. When we accept Jesus, there are some things that change immediately – and it’s different for each of us. And there are some things we will wrestle through ever so gradually. Why? Because the plan He has for each of us is perfected through a life that looks back and sees Him each step of the way. A soul that says ‘I trust You, Lord – help me do so more each day.’

So tonight whether we sleep soundly or not, we can still rest easy knowing He never leaves us.

Father, just saying Your Name brings peace. When we can’t find the rest we think we need, let us find You. In You all fear is driven away and in You our strength is renewed. When we are at a loss for how to pray, remind us just to praise You. For You are great and all we need. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

For more encouragement, visit Paris at parisrenae.com.

© 2019 by Paris Renae.  All rights reserved.

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