Encouragement Café

She Laughs - Encouragement Café - January 31

She Laughs
 By Robin Jones

God has brought me laughter, and everyone who hears about this will laugh with me. Genesis 21:6 NIV

“Mom, I’m not sure how this happened.  I’m 36.”

“You have had two children already.  I’m pretty sure you know what caused this.”  Mamma was laughing with me.

When Sarah found out she was pregnant with Isaac, she laughed and said, “After I am worn out and my lord is old, will I now have this pleasure?” Genesis 18:12 (NIV)

I understood her thought.

My husband and I had agreed we didn’t want more kids.  Once my daughters were out of the house, we had plans for just the two of us.  We were done with diapering, potty training, and dating.  We were ready for motorcycling, rv-ing, and cross-country hiking.

Gabe wasn’t our plan, but God’s plan was perfect. (Psalm 18:30)

In the darkest times, deepest valley, driest deserts, and the everyday slugfest known as life, our bundle of laughter brought us messages of God’s joy and love.

Through our boy, we have laughed more than we have been afflicted.

Abraham and Sarah were far from childbearing age.  Their disbelief that God would bless them at that time with a child was evident by their laughter at God’s announcement.

God’s dream was bigger than their family scene.

Through Sarah’s boy, God established the nation and royal line with which He would redeem the whole world . . . through His boy, Jesus.

Always remember that children are a reward and an inheritance (a gift)!  God has bigger plans for them than you know.

Re-open the gift of your children every day by journaling or scrapbooking special memories of the funny things they have done or said. Look back on them when you need a laugh.

My journal is called #Gabeism. Things he says that make me laugh.  Maybe I should have named him Isaac which means “he laughs”.

Imitating Donald Trump when making hiring decisions . . .

“Mom, I need a new babysitter.  Connor.  Is.  Firedddd!!!!  Let me tell you the requirements.  Number one, she has to be a beautiful girl who likes to snuggle.  Number two, she needs to burp rainbows.  Finally, number three she needs to fart butterflies.”

Acting as a nutrition and fitness expert when challenged with a food he doesn’t like . . .

“Fried chicken will not save the world.”

Showing his Bible knowledge and making Mamma proud . . .

“Does anyone know what the word ‘Gospel’ means?” asked the Sunday school teacher.  Gabe’s hand shoots up with bold confidence and he declares . . . “MINNESOTA!”

Lord, thank You for the gift of children.  Thank You for their little toes and fingers.  Thank You for their beautiful hearts.  Thank You most of all for their laughter, which heals the heart and brightens the day.  In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

© 2019 by Robin Jones.  All rights reserved.

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