Encouragement Café

Small Acts of Kindness Make a Big Difference - Encouragement Café - February 16

Small Acts of Kindness Make a Big Difference
 By Lara Sadowski

Do not let kindness and truth leave you; Bind them around your neck, Write them on the tablet of your heart. Proverbs 3:3 NASB

Traffic. That word alone can cause my stress level to soar through the roof.  How many of us just cannot stand to sit in traffic for what seems like an eternity? We ladies wear many hats and juggle many balls.

We work inside or outside the home. We go grocery shopping. We run endless errands. We rush, rush and rush some more. Do you ever feel like you live in your car? Boy, I do!

Before I began working at home, I commuted over an hour each day to my job, and it seemed like a bazillion other people had the same plan I had.  My stress level was beyond crazy. The traffic was endless – a sea of red brake lights and honking horns. I constantly worried I would be late for work. I also pondered how many hours I was losing sitting in a car each morning and evening. Mercy.

Fast forward to another traffic-filled morning. I had a meeting that morning and I knew that I would be late. I finally made it to the cashier at the toll bridge, and I feverishly reached into my purse to pay my toll and rush on my way.

Ladies, at that moment, The Lord stepped in to calm my stressed-out heart. The cashier happily told me that the car in front of me paid for my toll. A giant smile grew across my face, and tears welled up in my eyes. That one small act of kindness made my day … maybe even my year.

I allowed my overwhelming schedule and overall busyness to squeeze the joy right out of me. And then God used a simple but beautiful gesture of kindness to remind me how much He loves me. I vowed that day to ask God to give me divine appointments each day where I could show His love and grace to others who need it.

Friend, I know you have days where you feel exhausted and defeated. Instead of giving up, why not pass on a random act of kindness to someone? Not only will that person’s heart be lifted, but your heart will be as well. Guaranteed! 

Ask God to show you simple ways you can be kind to others. It can be as simple as paying for a stranger’s lunch or mailing an encouraging card to a friend.

Heavenly Father, we are busy trying to balance everything in their lives. At times, we feel rushed and overwhelmed. Please give us the strength to be kind to someone else in Your Name. We know Your kindness can wash away all of the stress in our lives. Please help us to pass that same kindness on to someone else who needs it. We love You so much. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

© 2019 by Lara Sadowski.  All rights reserved.

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