Encouragement Café

So Good of You - Encouragement Café - July 22

So Good of You
 By Paris Renae

Yet it was good of you to share in my troubles. Philippians 4:14

Towards the end of the book of Philippians, Paul speaks of being content in every situation; but then says, “Yet it was good of you to share in my troubles.”

A reminder for us. We know our sweet Jesus is with us always and that we can count on Him no matter what... but it sure is good to feel the strength of a fellow believer. Someone who comes alongside and confirms us with a ‘Good job’ pat on the back, or comforts us with ‘I will walk through this with you’.

I can’t tell you the joy brought by a friend calling just to check on me; the relief of having a friend listen to my concerns and say, ‘Let’s pray right now’. I’ve even had a friend devote a day of fasting on my behalf. I was so humbled, and I couldn’t help but know God was with me throughout that day.

To put an arm around someone is an offering of love to our Father.

It is definitely a Holy Spirit prompting to bring comfort and share joy. How much easier it is to go about our own business. Yet repeated over and over again in 2 Corinthians 1:3-7 is this:  from the comfort we receive from the God of all comfort, we are to overflow with comfort into the lives of others.

We used to call it Jesus with skin on. Like the time when my husband and I were really young, two children and another on the way, and he was out of work. It was December and not much was going under the tree for our two boys...

Shortly after we got home one afternoon a knock came at the door. There stood two sweet friends with a large bag. Inside were wrapped toys... and true comfort and joy for a big eyed family suddenly caught up in the wonder of His love.

The One in our hearts is always ready to show us how to care for those in our path. Noticing and taking action is our part. Let’s be more about His business than ours, so that we can come alongside and make a difference.

O Father, help us to have eyes to see and hearts full of Your love. Show us daily how to offer the comfort we find in You to another who may only need to hear that they are doing a great job or who may need to know they will make it through a trial. Instead of hesitating, help us to trust in Your guidance that we seek to make a difference. It is in the power of Your Son’s Loving Name we pray, Amen.

For more encouragement, visit Paris at https://parisrenae.com/

©2020 by Paris Renae.  All rights reserved.

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