Encouragement Café

Sweet Release - Encouragement Café - August 20

Sweet Release
 By Judy Fussell

For you have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear, but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry out, Abba! Father!  Romans 8:15-17 KJV

My friend has spent a lifetime seeking approval from his dad. This friend is a successful man in his profession, an excellent father, good husband, a loyal friend, and an overachiever in all his pursuits. All he has ever desired from his dad is an “Attaboy”, “Good Job”, or a hug with the words, “I love you, son”.  Yet, year after year is the same, and those words never come and most likely never will. He has worn himself out in this futile endeavor. His dad, who isn’t a bad man, for whatever reason, is incapable of communicating love to his son.

Our days here are passing quickly. This is not our eternal home. We are weak. God is strong! Christ is our Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Earthly parents sometimes fail because they are only human. Our family here is only a foreshadowing of what is yet to come.  We are on this earth in part to recognize our need for God and to learn that He will equip us for every good work. We must look to Him for our value and esteem.

People in their imperfection will disappoint and let us down. God’s Word says that He will never leave nor forsake us. We, as Christians, are His children. Our earthly parents are only people who loved as only they could. Most, although imperfect, did their best. We must release our parents and others who have failed us.

Instead, let’s believe what God says about our value and trust that He is taking us step by step to our heavenly abode where He awaits. While we remain here, let’s do our best to please Him. We will never be perfect or enough by the world’s standards, but because of the cross, we have been made complete in Christ.

Let’s ponder these statements taken from the book Search for Significance by Robert S. McGee.

  • Basing our self worth on what we believe others think of us causes us to become addicted to their approval.
  • The only way we can overcome the fear of rejection is to value the constant approval of God over the conditional approval of people.
  • Depending on others for value brings slavery, while abiding in Christ’s love and acceptance brings freedom and joy.

Thank You Lord that Your finished work on the cross has made a personal relationship with You possible. You are our Maker and only You can truly satisfy. Thank You that we can seek You and that You can be found. Thank You that You minister to our spirits with Your Truth. Thank You that You are indeed our “Daddy” in heaven. In Christ’s name, Amen.

© 2020 by Judy Fussell. All rights reserved.

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