Encouragement Café

The Fluttering of Wings - Encouragement Café - August 28, 2015


The Fluttering of Wings

Café Menu for Friday, August 28, 2015

Today’s Special is:  Taking a Spiritual Break

Carefully prepared just for you by your friend, Carolyn Dale Newell

Main Ingredient:

Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!

Psalm 46:10 NKJV


I had worked hard all morning mulching our flower garden.  I sat down on the patio swing to rest, and I began to pray.  A beautiful sound caught my ear.  

As my vision continues to dwindle away, my hearing becomes keener.  I am noticing the fluttering of the bird’s wings almost as much as I hear them sing praises to God.  I prayed.  I listened.  My heart was anxious, and the words “under His wings” came to mind.  

My soul needed this spiritual break just as much as my physical body needed rest.  God soothed my aching soul as I prayed and worshiped.  Later that day, the words, “under His wings” appeared two more times in my reading material.  It was God’s gentle reminder that things would be alright.

Generally, we take good care of our bodies, which is wise, but we must not neglect the needs of our spirit and souls.  Our bodies rest every night for several hours, but how long are our spiritual breaks?  If we fail to care for our spirit, the effects can be just as detrimental as it would be for our bodies to go without sleep or food.

For the past year, I have read books trying to figure out how to handle this busy life which needs more than a 24-hour day.  I have not found the secret, but I have realized that I must prioritize.  I have learned that it is OK if some things don’t get done.  However, there are certain things that must get top priority, such as my time with God and my husband.

Your life is probably more demanding than mine.  Amidst our multitasking, let’s stop and devote our undivided attention to God.  Let’s take a spiritual break.

Take Out:

I have found that my day goes better when my quiet time is in the morning.  If that doesn’t work with your schedule, set a specific time, put it on your calendar and stick to it.  Make a list of what you need to do this week and prioritize the most important things.  Be realistic with time.


Heavenly Father,

One day, we will be able to spend all of our time worshiping You.  Until then, there are dinners to cook, bills to pay, and floors to mop.  Show us how to be good stewards with our time, and shield our time with You from outside interference.  In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

© 2015 by Carolyn Dale Newell.  All rights reserved.

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