Encouragement Café

The Smallest Deed - Encouragement Café - April 18

The Smallest Deed
 By Dawn Neely

“Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.” Proverbs 16:24 NIV

She was sitting in the corner, eating alone. This was a friend; a person I knew and loved well. I could see she used her napkin not only to wipe her mouth but also to wipe her eyes.

I hesitated for a moment, then I remembered some sage advice my grandmother once shared with me, “The smallest deed is worth more than the grandest intention.”

So I set down beside her, placing my hand on her shoulder and inquired if I could help. What started as a trickle of information was soon followed by confessions of fear, self-doubt, inadequacy and lack of faith. I saw in her eyes the tale-tell sign of defeat as the enemy poured his lies into her spirit.

I assured her of the love of God. I talked to her about finding that, “Green pasture” and those “Quiet waters” that God longed to lead her toward (Psalm 23:2-3)

 I also reminded her of Romans 8:28. “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.” NIV

My friend is a strong believer. She is an amazing writer. She is beautiful and gifted. She has a strong family and a strong faith. But even so, Satan was able to pour those lies into her mind.

We talked and we prayed and she was encouraged. It is not because I had amazing words to speak or extraordinary advice to give. But Satan could not overcome our prayers and our confessions of praise in His name.

Some weeks later, I received a lovely note from her. In part it read;

“Dear Friend,

Your spoken words to me a few weeks ago continue to be a balm to my soul. Thank you for the way you were the love of Christ and a sweet gift to me. You are a treasure and I love you.”

Then she added this scripture: “IF either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has one to help them up.’ Ecclesiastes 4:10 NIV

A small deed. Look for those opportunities. It can make all the difference.

Gracious Lord,

Help me to remember how powerful a small deed can be. I have the power to make someone’s day if I will only be sensitive to opportunities You provide. Help me not be so concerned with my schedule but to be aware of the divine appointments You offer each day. May I see others as You see them and be a conduit of Your love. In Jesus name, Amen

© 2019 by Dawn Neely.  All rights reserved.

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