Encouragement Café

The Widow’s Might - Encouragement Café - September 10

The Widow’s Might
 By Linda Gray

For they all contributed out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty put in all she had to live on. Luke 21:4 ESV

When I think of the story of the Widow’s Two Mites found in Luke 21:1-4, I can’t help but think of my mom.  Actually, I think of her every day even though she passed away twelve years ago. And I see her frail, 4 ft 10 in frame when I read the familiar passage.

The day after her death my family from Georgia made the trip to North Carolina.  We decided to meet at her home and sift through her meager earthly possessions to find something of sentimental value to treasure.

My niece’s husband found one of her Bibles.  It was one that I had meant to set aside for myself.  But I couldn’t deny his request. Although related by marriage, he lovingly referred to her as Granny Helms.  And she loved the man who married her only grand-daughter and fathered her first great-granddaughter.  

Some months later, my husband and I made a weekend trip to Georgia.  While sitting at the dinner table, Eric brought this Bible out.  As he thumbed through its well-worn pages, he showed us what he had found.  There were two pieces of paper.  I knew they were in there.  That’s why I had wanted this particular Bible. We all recognized the familiar script because Mom sent many cards and letters to us all over the years.

The first slip of paper was the size of an index card.  On it was recorded her “budget.” She lived simply and on a tightly fixed income. It listed rent, groceries, electricity, etc.  But the first item was her tithe.

Mom was a firm believer of tithing. I, too, learned its significance at a young age.  It was so important to her that she once carried her tithing envelope with her when she went for a short stint of rehab in a nursing home.  She knew her pastor would visit and she wanted to personally hand it to him.  She saw it as it was supposed to be—an act of worship. God was always faithful to provide her needs.

The other slip of paper listed her family members – her children and spouses, grandchildren and spouses and great-grandchildren. Beside each entry was a brief description of how she was praying.  Her greatest desire was that we would all place our trust in Jesus and know Him on a personal basis. She clung to the verse Acts 16:31, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved and thy house. (KJV)”  It was even written on the inside cover of that Bible.

Mom didn’t see all her prayers answered while on this earth.  But God is still answering them.  A son she prayed for many, many years surrendered his life to Christ.  He now attends the church where she was a charter member and attended until God called her home.  Other prayers have been answered as well. Our family circle is almost complete.

Mom taught us all some valuable lessons. 1) You can’t out-give God and 2) God hears and answers prayers.

We can trust God for our finances. We can trust Him to reach our lost family members. We can trust Him for our health and any other circumstance that life throws our way. We can simply trust God!

Father, You are trustworthy. I place my finances, family, health and my life into Your hands.  Have Your way in me! In Jesus’ Name, Amen!

  1. © 2020 by Linda Gray.  All rights reserved.

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