TTYL (Talk to You Later) - Encouragement Café - Apr. 30, 2014
TTYL (Talk to You Later)
Café Menu for Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Today’s Special is: Not Worth the Time
Carefully prepared just for you by your friend, Christie Davis
Main Ingredient:
For the Lord Your God goes with you, He will never leave you nor forsake you.
– Deuteronomy 31:6 NIV
Have you ever been in the middle of sharing your heart with someone or even answering a question that they have asked simply to be put on hold as they grab their phone to read a text or email? Boy, that makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside doesn’t it? It makes me feel like grabbing the phone and send it flying out the window.
Sadly though, I know that many of us have those same moments. Those times where the curiosity of wondering what message is coming in just gets the best of us, or wondering what our boss or coworker sent. We all have our moments.
It may or may not be an addiction to texting, facebook or emailing. It could be the need to glance and listen to someone else’s conversation because we just might miss something more important than the conversation we are currently having.
There may even be times when we are so completely self-obsessed that we may actually walk away from someone in the middle of their conversation or start talking to someone else as they walk up. Who are we to tell others that they are not good enough for our time or a listening ear?
What if Jesus took that same philosophy with us?
What if Jesus decided that we were not good enough to listen to our cries let alone not good enough to die for? And the amazing thing is, we are not good enough. None of us are. Yet, he has chosen each and every one of us from the beginning of the world. He chose you!
Who are we compared to Him? Nothing. We deserve to be shunned, ignored, and walked away from. Simply put, we deserve hell. Christ could honestly say, “You are not worth my ear or my time.” But instead, He says, “I love all of you!”
Deuteronomy 31:6 (NIV) says, “for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” Praise the Lord! Not only does He not leave me, He walks with me! Not only does He forgive me, He walks beside me and longs for me to talk with Him….Talk with Him!
Often, we don’t even want to talk to our neighbor. The creator of the universe who came to this earth to shed His blood for my sins wants to talk to me. He doesn’t interrupt me or shun me. He will sit at the edge of the bed and talk with me, or allow me to cry at His feet or on His lap. He says, “Child, I love you. I am here for you.”
Glory! What if we started treating other people the way Christ treats us? What if others saw His love extend outward toward them as we stopped and listened? Maybe there is something to the phrase “What Would Jesus Do”?
Take Out:
If God thought that we were worth the time to send His son to die for us, maybe we should show others that they are worth the time too.
Dear Heavenly Father, how selfish are we? Please forgive us for failing you by not showing others how special they are to you and how much you love them. Help me to stop focusing on me and the things that I want. Allow me to see others as you see them and to be a light in a dark world. Allow my ears and arms to extend outward to others so that they may see You and Your amazing love.
© 2014 by Christie Davis. All rights reserved.
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