Encouragement Café

Wait for It - Encouragement Café - April 7

Wait For It
By Paris Renae

But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently. Romans 8:25 NIV

Sometimes I have prayed the same thing for the hundredth time and I look up and wonder…

Does God grow weary of hearing me over and over?

Honestly, I’m not sure who prayed for my salvation. I wasn’t raised in a Christian home and I had only a little exposure to God throughout my growing up years. But here I am, a follower, a dearly loved child, chosen – so I’m thinking there was someone who prayed for me at some time.

There’s a good chance that whoever it was never saw me come to Christ. But I’m thankful that they didn’t base their desire for me to receive Him on getting to see the results.

That’s why He tells us to pray without ceasing. Truly there is so much going on around us that we can see, and so much that we don’t, that we need to be constantly praying. But we also need to not give up. Just because we’re not seeing a desired change in a loved one or their circumstances doesn’t mean the answer is no. It may mean wait.

Oooh, we don’t like that in the ‘instant’ age we live in. We want it now. We want to check off the list or move on to the next task. But in God’s economy, things sometimes move a bit slower. At least it seems slow to us. But remember, God is not bound by time… only we are.

So He’s given us, in the time we have, this directive: 

don’t give up… keep on witnessing, keep on praying, keep on living out your faith, keep on sharing the Bible verses, keep on loving…

It is no wonder God used Paul to write a good portion of the New Testament. He never gave up and he constantly encouraged: 

May the Lord direct your hearts into God’s love and Christ’s perseverance. 2 Thessalonians 3:5 NIV  

Aha, it is not in our strength we don’t give up, Christ’s perseverance will keep our hope in action.

It can be so discouraging to hold out hope and keep having it rejected. Weary is a good word for how our souls begin to feel. Join me today in finding refreshment in Jesus. He didn’t give up on us before we said, “yes”. He isn’t giving up on us now, though we continue to blow it, and He will continue to bring us before His Father. Since He does this for us, can’t we continue even when it seems hopeless?

Oh Father, thank You that You never tire of hearing our requests. You know our hearts. Our words are brought to You by the Holy Spirit in us and You know our desires better than we do. Refresh us as we do the work of hanging in there and not giving up – on those who are easy to love and on those who are difficult. Help us not grow weary, for some day You will reap the harvest. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

For more encouragement, visit Paris at parisrenae.com

© 2021 by Paris Renae.  All rights reserved.

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