Encouragement Café

Want to go to the Principal’s Office? - Encouragement Café - July 16, 2014

Want to go to the Principal’s Office?

Café Menu for Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Today’s Special is: Cry Now, Laugh Later

Carefully prepared just for you by your friend, Christie Davis

Main Ingredient:

He will yet fill your mouth with laughter and your lips with shouting.

Job 8:21 ESV


Ever had one of those days? You know the day when you didn’t feel like laughing at anything?

I will never forget one of those days. It was 2002 and my husband and I had just purchased a home for us and our 10 month old daughter. We had only been in the house for about 3 months when the well to our house went completely dry. (Just two months prior, my husband was struck by lightning on our front porch.) The well drillers had been drilling in our yard for about 2 days and were currently trying to drill a third hole trying to find water with totals reaching about $17,000.  We were living at my in-laws until they were able to find water.

That particular morning I was at my limit.

I had been crying while getting dressed for work wondering if our house was worthless because we could not find water. I then left for work to fake excitement to teach 5th graders. (Yes, teachers have bad mornings too.) In my distress, I forgot that my husband had parked his truck a few feet behind my car. And you guessed it, I backed my car straight into my husband’s truck.

After another few moments of chaos, I then continued to work trying to regain my composure. As I arrived to school late, I entered the building to find my principal standing there to ask me about my morning. Needless to say, I began wailing and was sent to the principal’s office until I could settle down and enter the classroom.

Talk about a bad day!

Did I feel like laughing then?


However, let me tell you of the laughs we had as soon as life seemed to settle back down, and the jokes and laughs continue to this today.

Can we always laugh in the midst of a bad moment or situation?

Maybe not. However, Christ is with us through each step of the way. Maybe once we are able to settle down in the principal’s office, we just might be able to take a breather and smile at the exact spot that we are in.

Jesus knows what every day will hold. He experienced far more pain and suffering than we can ever imagine. He took on the worst possible circumstances for us! Yet, He cares about what we face and what we deal with.

Job 8:21 says,

“He will yet fill your mouth with laughter and your lips with shouting.”

No matter what we may face, He will fill our mouths with laughter again. Trust in Him and what He has promised. It will come. And as it comes, you just might appreciate those times as realize how much you enjoyed that closeness with the Lord as you clung to Him and placed all of your faith on Him.  Some things you just wouldn’t take away, even if you could.

You just might look back at the moments in the principal’s office and laugh.

Take Out:

Remedy for a bad day:

  • Pray and ask your closest friends to pray for you.
  • Take a moment away to breathe and relax (even if it’s the boss’ office)
  • Sit back and laugh! Laugh at yourself and your reactions. If not then, let it come later.


Dear Jesus, I need You when I am happy or sad. Help me to feel Your presence and Your smile when I am having a bad day. Remind me that You faced far more than I could ever imagine, yet I believe that You looked to me and smiled! Allow me to feel your arms around me just when I need it and to wrap myself in the ultimate joy of being with You. I pray that You speak to me and allow me to see the sunlight coming from You, even on those dark and gloomy days.

Need a laugh? Check out Tim Hawkins - Hand Raising and Sanitizer.

© 2014 by Christie Davis. All rights reserved.

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