Encouragement Café

Weeping to Joy - Encouragement Café - Feb. 19, 2015

Weeping To Joy

Café Menu for Thursday, February 19, 2015

Today’s Special is: A Time for Joy

Carefully prepared just for you by your friend, Carolyn Dale Newell

Main Ingredient:

Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.

Psalm 30:5b NKJV


I heard a sermon about this verse when I had been weeping for over a month. My 18 year old daughter had moved out of our house and our lives. She had cut off all communication with us.

During that sermon, I realized that life goes on and I could not continue weeping. I went to the altar and I made a decision that the mourning was over, and as hard as it may be, I had to go on. It has been seven years, and nothing has changed with our relationship, but I feel the grace of God every day.

There was another time when I experienced sorrow. Last year, my vision was in a rapid decline. For the first time in my life, I had to face the fact that I may have to live in total darkness. My rehab counselor explained that it is a normal process to grieve the loss of your vision, just as you would grieve the loss of an arm or a leg. It is normal to grieve your failing health.

Afflictions will come and sometimes they leave. Other times they stay. Although sorrow is normal, it is not normal to let it continually take over your life.

When a Christian does that, the message he is sending out is that God can’t help him. God has allowed these circumstances to come into our lives for reasons we don’t understand. God is in control, and He works all things together for good according to His purpose (Romans 8:28). We have to place our trust in Him. We don’t have to understand why these things are happening. God knows.

After the hardest times of your life, there is a time to weep. However, there will be a time for joy once again. Joy is not the absence of sorrows. It is the presence of God in them.

Take Out:

Are you going through a time of weeping? A time of mourning?

Dive into the Word of God. Spend time in prayer, and when it is your time to make that decision to stop weeping, commit to it. It won’t be easy. That is why you need Scripture to turn to and you also need to rely heavily on God. Every time the tears begin to flow, remind yourself of your decision – it is now time for joy.

Remember that “with God all things are possible” Matthew 19:26b.


Dear God, I can’t bring myself to stop crying and to stop feeling so sad, but I know You can do it. So right now I commit this to You. From this moment forward, help me feel Your joy. Help me be a good testimony for You. Shower me with Your Grace and enable me to get through this day, this hour and this moment. I praise You and thank You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

© 2015 by Carolyn Dale Newell. All rights reserved.

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