Encouragement Café

What Kind of Wife Are You? - Encouragement Café - March 26

What Kind of Wife Are You?
 By Jill Beran

Then the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him. Genesis 2:18 ESV

I asked my husband to critique the bio I’d written and two words stuck out to him - “Farmer’s wife”.  He asked, “Why did you say that?”  I think he was concerned and wondered why I’d describe myself this way.

You see, growing up, my mom was a farmer’s wife and countless times I had vowed, “I’m never marrying a farmer.”  “Why?”, you ask.  I knew life on a farm meant work, crazy schedules, stress caused by the weather and plans that always changed.  I didn’t want that for my future!!

Obviously God had other plans.  I’ve been a farmer’s wife for thirteen years!  Thankfully, as the crops have grown, so have I.  These “things” that come with being a “farmer’s wife” are comparable to the trials and challenges doctor's, teacher’s, pastor’s… actually everyone's wives face.

Friend, our husbands’ roles may be different and thus the jobs we acquire as wives may vary, but in the end we all have something in common - we are helpers.  God knew and even said,

It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him. Genesis 2:18 ESV

Helping our husbands is not always easy, sometimes it’s not fun and on other days it’s not a job we want to choose.  But still, if we long to be the wife God created and the one our husband needs, we will be a helpmate.  This role is more than watching a gate, fixing a fence or driving a tractor!  It’s encouraging him, praying for him and submitting to him.

Friend, helping our husbands is a way to honor them, but more importantly, it is a way to glorify God.  When we obey His commands, He will bless our efforts; and when we help our husbands, He will strengthen our marriage.

Today may we be encouraged to be a wife who helps!  Now I’m off to watch the gate so I don’t have to help my husband chase the cattle!!

How do you feel about being a helpmate?  Remember, it is a role God created and a part that has a purpose.  Thank God for this role and ask Him to help you live it out.

Do you ever struggle with the help your husband needs?  Do you think being an (insert your husband’s job) wife is hard?  Remember, every wife faces challenges.  Embrace your husband’s role, and ask God to show you practical ways you can help him.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for my husband and for the opportunity to help him. I pray for strength, wisdom and desire as I live out the role You’ve called me to.  I ask You to guide me as I submit and support the man You gave to me. Help me encourage and pray for him.  And in the moments when this is hard, remind me that marriage wasn’t created to make me happy, but instead is a way to make me holy.  Thank You for the way You work Lord…may You work through me as I help my husband.  In Jesus’ name, Amen

© 2019 by Jill Beran.  All rights reserved.

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