Encouragement Café

Working for a Heavenly Boss - Encouragement Café - March 1, 2016

Working For A Heavenly Boss

Café Menufor Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Today’s Special: 

Working For The Lord, Not Men

Carefully prepared just for you by your friend, Michelle S. Lazurek

Main Ingredient:

Whatever you do, work at until your heart as working for the Lord not men.

Colossians 3:23 NIV


Walking into my preschool classroom, five years ago, I was greeted by two children fighting, one child crying, and an irate parent.  After dealing with the ensuing chaos, I begin my morning routine.  Waist deep in dirty diapers, one thought crossed my mind:

Is this all worth it?

Not only was my job incredibly stressful, the tiny paycheck I received each week barely covered our bills.  With two small children at home, and living off of credit cards, we simply could not afford to pursue my calling as a writer.

Frustrated at my plight, I opened my Bible one morning and I came across this verse:

Whatever you do, work at until your heart as working for the Lord not men.

Colossians 3:23 NIV

I didn’t think what I did mattered, but God was preparing me for His future plans for me.  Today I’m happy to say I work full-time as a writer.  But I acquired skills during my time as a teacher that have prepared me for my work today.  

The daily lesson plans I made helped me develop organizational skills.  The once never-ending routine, now helps me stay on task despite the distractions of social media. 

The occasional hug from my students during a bad day reminded me that I’m never alone.  God sees everything I do, every dirty diaper I change and every runny nose I wipe, all the while planting seeds of the Gospel in their lives and preparing them for adulthood.

Maybe you are a harried mom waist deep in diapers too.  Perhaps you, like me, are crying out to God, wondering if all of your hard work matters in the large scheme of things.  But El Roi, the God who sees, sees everything you do.

When you set aside your desires and work to further His Kingdom, you are working for a heavenly Boss, who will reward you for all you have done. 

And that’s worth more than all the money in the world.

Take Out:

Examine your heart on how you perceive your work.  Do you believe God sees all you do?

Write a prayer to God asking Him to remind you when you feel your work doesn’t matter, that He sees what you do and you are furthering His Kingdom.

Replace your heart of despair with an attitude of gratitude.  Thank Him for your role in doing His work.


Lord, remind us that our work matters and that Your approval is the only approval we need.

© 2016 by Michelle S. Lazurek.  All rights reserved.

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