Encouragement Café

Your Life - Encouragement Café - October 8

Your Life
 By Paris Renae

But what the Lord has said will stand forever. Our good news to you is what the Lord has said. 1 Peter 1:25 CEV

We spend a lot of time thinking about tomorrow. It starts young "When I grow up...". We always think we have tomorrow, until we don't.

I spend a lot of time these days with an under four age group. The youngest, learning to walk, doesn't know what tomorrow is. The middle one, almost two, just knows it's a new day. The almost four always wants tomorrow to be the next play day at Grammy's. From little hearts and smiles and wide eyes I've learned a big lesson: don't live in tomorrow. Live today, moment by moment, for we will never have this moment again.

"So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today." (Matthew 6:34 NLT)

A pastor that I greatly admire and have learned so much from, has always said "Lord willing" when talking anything future tense. So, I've tried to remember to preface life that way as well.

It's wisdom from James 4:15 "What you should say is this: "If the Lord is willing, we will live and do this or that." (NLT) What happens is we get so wrapped up in trying to secure our future, we miss all the wonder of today. As we age, we begin to realize, since there's not as many tomorrows, maybe we better enjoy now.

There's much I want to impart to those I love. Mostly Jesus stuff. What I want them to realize is: "They are not just idle words for you--they are your life." (Deuteronomy 32:47a NIV) When these words were spoken, a momentous event was about to happen - after much loss and lostness, Moses was telling the people what life really is.

God's Words are life. They are not idle, dead, past tense. How often do we say: 'If I just had a set of instructions for child-rearing, or navigating the hard times, or how to have peace'? We do! An amazing book that is not ancient, it is alive. Each reading bringing new insight.

How foolish we are, wrapped up in our own self-sufficiency. When that doesn't work, we might crack open the Bible or pray. Why is that a last resort? Maybe it should be a new each morning habit - then perhaps all that today holds and our cares about tomorrow might just find their answers. Your life is precious to your Creator, He's given you instructions, and He eagerly awaits you in each moment.

Heavenly Father open our eyes. Help us to see the wonder in today, in right now. No matter how easy or how tough this moment might be, the wonder of You in our midst is our source of joy and strength. Show us life by showing us more of You. Help us leave tomorrow alone so that we can live today. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.  

For more encouragement, visit Paris at parisrenae.com

© 2020 by Paris Renae.  All rights reserved.

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