Encouragement for Today

A Remedy for Loneliness - Encouragement for Today - October 9, 2013

Van Walton

October 9, 2013

A Remedy for Loneliness
Van Walton

"... those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed." Proverbs 11:25 (NLT)

I've spent much of my life as the new kid on the block. My daddy's job took him to numerous foreign countries, so I grew up living in far-away and strange places. When we returned "home" to put down permanent roots in the United States, I felt like a lonely outsider.

This nomadic childhood followed me into my adult life as my husband's career moved us cross-country many times.

As the newcomer in school, women's Bible studies, and jobs, I experienced not having friends, being excluded, and feeling different.

Though these isolating seasons were tough, something wonderful grew out of them: my relationship with God. Spending time with Him, I gained a new perspective on loneliness while reading Scripture. One verse in particular stood out to me: "... those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed" (Proverbs 11:25).

Reading this challenged me. Rather than cast responsibility on others to reach out to me, I could reach out to them. By doing so, I found I could bless them and revive myself! It took some time, but over the years I've discovered several key elements to living out this verse: learn to be a good friend, intentionally include others, and develop an interest in diversity.

Last year during the annual family night at the school where I teach, I spotted a mother sitting alone in a large room. God nudged me, and I knew what to do. I wasn't surprised she was by herself, because as I drew closer, I recognized her as the mother of one of our international students.

We definitely had our differences: a gap in our ages, language barriers that made us struggle to understand each other, and our different cultures. But we persevered and after a while we found common ground. She admitted to being lonely as a stranger in a foreign country. That I understood. Also, we were women, wives, mothers, friends. Most importantly we had a common faith.

That night, I gained a new friend.

We began to meet regularly. She told me about her recent conversion to Christianity and asked lots of questions. She had a few friends, like her, who had come to the United States to expose their children to an American education. These women also wondered about Christianity, the Bible, and Jesus. Could they join us?

We began huddling once a week around God's Word, talking about the creation, King David, and grace.

School ended. Summer started. They flew home. We promised to resume our studies this fall.

As this new season begins, I'm anticipating our weekly meetings; I miss my new friends and the happiness and laughter they bring.

Loneliness, if left unchecked, can lead to isolation, which may produce weariness, sadness and discouragement. This is not God's plan for our lives. He has called us to live in community, reaching out to others, serving, comforting, and fellowshipping.

Let me encourage you to be aware of others–in your neighborhood, your children's school, your church. Ask God to lead you to other women who are lonely. We long to be included, to feel like we belong, to have caring friends. One of the best ways to do this is to refresh someone else! You'll never experience that woman's amazing friendship, or be revived by her, until you reach out and invite her into your life.

Father God, You are a friend to the stranger, the wanderer, the lonely. Forgive me for sitting in my comfort zone and ignoring those around me who long for community. Remind me to practice hospitality, not just with my friends but with outsiders also. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Related Resources:
Have you longed to join a Bible Study, but haven't been able to? We'd love to invite you to be part of our newest Online Bible Study, A Confident Heart by Renee Swope. You can participate from the comfort of your home, with your computer! For more information and to sign up, click here.

From the Pound to the Palace (DVD) is a true story for children about a little lost dog who finds his way into a new home.

Visit Van Walton's blog for more encouragement.

Reflect and Respond:
How has loneliness robbed you of life's joys?

What are some ways you can practice hospitality? Perhaps become involved in welcoming newcomers to your church or neighborhood.

Power Verses:
Romans 12:10-13, "Be devoted to one another in brotherly love...practicing hospitality." (NASB)

Hebrews 13:2, "Don't forget to show hospitality to strangers, for some who have done this have entertained angels without realizing it!" (NLT)

© 2013 by Van Walton. All rights reserved.

Proverbs 31 Ministries
630 Team Rd., Suite 100
Matthews, NC 28105