Encouragement for Today

Encouragement 03-11-04

March 11, 2004

Encouragement for Today


“Seeking God through Adversity, Part II”

Micca Campbell

Assistant Director of Certified Speakers

Certified Speaker



Key Verse:


“And we know that God causes all things to work together for good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose.” (Romans 8:28)





Have you ever asked in the midst of a trial, “Why is this happening to me?” If you have, then you are not alone. No one is exempt from adversity. It’s all around us. Some burdens come from the enemy, while others are caused by our own sin. Most, however, are the simple results of the fallen world in which we live. At one time of another, God allows trials caused by these circumstances to touch each of our lives. You may be wondering, “Why would a loving God allow His children to suffer hardships?” Again, you are not alone. I assure you that our heavenly Father has not made a mistake by allowing adversity into our lives. He uses them for our good. God uses our trials to teach us about Himself, to create Christ-like character, to reveal His love and expand our ministry.


For that reason, adversity can be a good thing depending on whose perspective we take. Just beware of your own perspective. It can fool you. For example, my daughter, Peyton, loves music. One evening my husband and I were listening to Charlotte Church, who is a wonderfully gifted teenage Opera singer, as she performed on television. Knowing that Peyton would enjoy her as well, we called her into the living room to listen with us. Trotting behind Peyton was her little brother, Parker, who was curious about what we were doing. As we all listened to the young singer, Peyton could tell that Charlotte sang in a way she had not heard before. Inquisitively, Peyton asked why her song was so different. I explained that Charlotte sounded different because she was singing Opera. That’s when Parker added, “Yeah, I think she sings awful too!” While we have a right to view things from our perspective, it doesn’t mean our perspective is always right.


When we look at adversity form our viewpoint, we tend to ask, “What am I going to do?” When seek God’s point of view through adversity, we ask, “What is God going to do? Many have come to believe that Romans 8:28 is God’s perspective on adversity. He is at work on our behalf—for our good and His glory even when it doesn’t look like it, feel like or appear like it.


Those are the times we have to rest in the comfort of His love while we trust His hand at work in our lives. Don’t struggle through your circumstances alone. Climb into the Father’s lap and tell Him all your sorrows. He understands. There is nothing we face in our lifetime that our Lord didn’t face when He was on earth. He was rejected, betrayed, accused, misunderstood, and abandoned. Christ suffered grief, temptations and pain. Allow the God of Comfort to wipe away your tears, as you trust His heart, His will and His ways in your life.


Dear Friend, I have found that adversity from God’s perspective is not about gloom, but hope! Hope that as God begins a good work in me and in you, He promises to bring it to completion. And His tool is adversity. Adversity in the hand of God is what He uses to shape us and form us into all He created us to be.


As you seek God through your burdens, allow Him to comfort your heart. Yield to God’s will until the finish product reflects His image. Mostly listen and you will hear Him whisper, “I know that not all your experiences on earth are good ones. But because you love me and obey me, Your Father will make them good.”


Tomorrow we will discover the “good” that God can bring out of adversity.


To book this conference, “Seeking God through Adversity”

contact Micca Campbell at www.proverbs31.org

(Tape available)



My Prayer for Today:


Dear Lord, forgive me when I feel alone and doubt your promises. Forgive me for relying on myself to work out my situation. Help me to believe that you are enough, and you are working in my life for my good. In Jesus’ name. Amen.



Applications Steps:


The next time trouble comes, stop and consider God’s perspective. Stop asking yourself, “What am I going to do?” Instead, ask, “God, what are you doing in my life?” Trust that He is aware of your circumstances and is working in them for your good. Ask Him to comfort you as you go through your struggle and to help you come out looking more like Jesus. You will because He is faithful!



Reflection points:


How do you allow God’s grace to strengthen you in times of trouble?


What ways can you see God is working for good through you adversity?


Do you allow God to have His way as He shapes you through suffering?


Do you rebel against God and turn your back on Him in trails, or do you turn toward Him for comfort and rest?


Which do you trust more - your circumstances or God’s promises?



Power Verses:


Nahum 1:7 The Lord is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and he knows them that trust in him. (NKJ)


Psalm 31:7 I will be glad and rejoice in your mercy; for you have considered my trouble and you have known my soul in adversities. (NKJ)


Psalms 119:71 It is good for me that I have been afflicted; That I may learn your statutes. (NKJ)


James 1:2-3 My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. (NKJ)


Hebrews 13:5 Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have. For He Himself has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” (NKJ)



Additional Resources:


P31 Woman Magazine



Coming Out of the Dark, by Mary Southerland



Where is God When Bad Things Happen, by Mary Southerland



The Art of Helping, by Lauren Littauer Briggs