Proverbs 31 Womans Devotional - Encouragement for Today

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<< Encouragement for Today

Encouragement 08-24-04


August 24, 2004 
Encouragement for Today

His Support for Me! 
Leigh Gray - Speaker Team Member

Key verse:

Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.  Ephesians 5:25 (NIV)


Committed or commitment - those two words can mean many things to many people.  As a mom, I have many commitments that require my constant attention.  No, I am not so much talking about my children, but I am talking about the things that need to be constantly repaired, worked on, cleaned, cooked, organized, etc.  For example, doing the laundry, cleaning the kitchen and bathrooms, feeding the dog, making beds and grocery shopping are routine commitments. I know you can relate to what I am talking about.  I consider all those tasks commitments.  If I am not committed to getting them done, the whole house will suffer!

Being committed is not much different than being devoted.  I am devoted to my husband. I am devoted to my children.  I am devoted to the Lord.  Devotions have more like a heart factor weaved in.  Commitments seem to be more of an action that a devoted heart produces. 

I left on Friday afternoon to attend a conference.  It was a rather long conference and I would not return until almost Sunday afternoon.  The childcare I had arranged for my four children, six and under, fell through.  Therefore, my sweet and devoted husband had to step up to the plate and take on all four kids for the weekend.  Ordinarily, that would not have been such a big deal, but when you are expecting to have one baby for three days and it turns out to be four kids for three days the heat is turned up!  I could tell by the look on Clay's face that he was stressed but trying not to show it.  I immediately went into mommy guilt mode.  Maybe I shouldn't go.  Maybe I am missing my calling.  Maybe I shouldn't be so selfish.  Maybe I am asking too much of him. 

At the conference, I tried my best to concentrate on the information provided, but I couldn't help wondering how he was doing.  It wasn't so much that he could not do it - he is more than capable - but it was the fact that plans had changed.  I had no choice.  I had to leave it all in His hands and trust that the Lord would be Clay's support. 

Sunday finally came and returned home.  Of course, I was expecting the house to be a mess, dishes everywhere, and more laundry than I could imagine.  My precious husband had the house spotless.  There was no laundry and no dirty dishes.  All the kids had clean faces and even seemed relaxed.  The bathrooms were clean - the whole nine yards had been done.  Did I mention he also had a sitter for that night so that we could go out alone and talk about my weekend?  What a guy!!! 

My devoted husband was saying to me in words that I understand the best - acts of service - "I am devoted to you.  I support you and I love you.  I have taken care of your house commitments so that you were able live out your devotion to the Lord the past few days.  I am trying to love you as Christ loved the church."  His devotion to the kids and me produced a plethora of completed commitments!  WOOOOOOO HOOOOOO!!!

You may think your commitments go unnoticed.  They do not.  Even if man is unaware of your right choices, your Father sees and applauds each one.  He is your source and life support.

My prayer for today:

Lord, thank you for those you have placed in my life to help lighten my load at times.  Help me to show my gratitude in creative ways so that You will be glorified! 

Application steps

Write a loving note of thanks to one person that has blessed you and maybe not even know it!

Buy flowers for a special someone and in secret, give them to that person.

Reflection points:  

What kind of commitments are you responsible for?

Are there any commitments that you could do to alleviate someone else's burdens for a day or two?

Find two people in the Bible who helped or encouraged another person. 

Power verses

Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work.  Ecclesiastes 4:9 (NIV)

Go gather together all the Jews who are in Susa, and fast for me.  Esther 4:16 (NIV)

From that day on, half of the men did their work, while the others were equipped with spears, shields, bows and armor. Nehemiah 4:16 (NIV)

Additional resources

Capture His Heart by Lysa Terkeurst

Capture Her Heart by Lysa Terkeurst

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