Encouragement 12-07-04
December 7, 2004
Encouragement for Today
"Are you my son?"
Leigh Gray - Speaker Team Member
Key verse:
"... so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts." Isaiah 55:9
We recently adopted a three-year-old brown eyed, brown haired boy named Jeff. My biological son has enjoyed having a constant companion around. I must say that Jeff is the most well behaved child I have ever met. He will do whatever is asked without a moment's hesitation. My only complaint would be that Jeff and my son talk and play too much at naptime, usually causing a scolding before all are settled in. I have had a blast standing outside my sons' door listening to their conversations.
I must clarify one thing. I have never seen, heard, nor touched Jeff. Jeff is my son's very real but imaginary friend. He will promise, with no fingers crossed, that Jeff is sitting right beside me on the couch or that we need to be quiet because Jeff is still sleeping in the closet. Jeff went to church with us on Sunday, but didn't come home because he broke his foot and had to go to the hospital until Sarahjane, the baby in my belly, comes home from the hospital. Are you confused? Me too!
The most important lesson I have learned is that Jeff is so real to my son. Many times things seem so real to me, but for whatever reason, my reality is skewed. As a female, an especially very pregnant, hormonal one, I have to keep in check with Jesus and the Holy Spirit daily to make sure I am displaying actions, thoughts, reactions, and fruits that exemplify whom I claim to follow. It is so easy to get caught up in my own little world thinking that I am not a good mom or that no one really likes me, or that no one has it as hard as I do.
Whatever the thought and no matter how real it feels to me, I must go back to the Father for an inventory check on my reality. The easiest way to do that is to look at the day's events along with my attitude and ask, "Jesus, did you see any fruit today? No matter what happened or what I perceived to happen, was I still able to allow You to shine through?"
I am responsible for continuing in my Christian walk and showing God's love to all even when I am stressed, too tired, or would rather just hide. It is my responsibility to get energized through the Holy Spirit, allowing that joy to flow. And then, I just keep pressing on!
My prayer for today:
Lord, forgive me for not having an eternal perspective. Help me to see things through your eyes and heart. Thank you for being in control of all things. Amen.
Application steps:
Look for ways to see His hand in even small situations.
Start journaling your daily thoughts to the Lord.
Reflection points:
Do you know of any area in your life that needs a different perspective?
Do you have a trusted friend that will give you can advice or accountability?
Is there some confusion that you need clarified with a loved one - something that has caused harsh feelings or just tenseness when they are around?
Power verses:
"Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again, rejoice. Philippians 4:4 (NIV)
"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control." Galatians 5:22-23 (NIV)
"You are the light of the world. A city on the hill can not be hidden." Matthew 5:14 (NIV)
Additional resources:
A Woman's Secret to a Balanced Life by Sharon Jaynes
Ultimate Makeover by Sharon Jaynes