Encouragement for Today

Encouragement for Today - Aug. 19, 2009


August 19, 2009


Nothing More to Say

 Van Walton


“Cry aloud; do not hold back; lift up your voice like a trumpet… seek me daily and delight to know my ways…” Isaiah 58:1-2 (ESV)



I take daily walks. They serve as the “required 30 minutes of daily exercise” my doctor advises.  Yet they are much more than that – they are also spiritual exercise for me.


Stepping out of my house, I look up and ask Jesus to come along with me. Then, for 30 minutes I tell Him everything I think He should know.


Sometimes I praise Him for Who He is and what He has done. But other times I lay out a litany of things gone wrong.


I remind Him about my friends who have asked that I pray for them.


I remind Him that I still have unanswered prayers.


I beg Him to answer various requests.


I talk a lot.


I pray for my marriage.


I discuss my children.


On and on my feet and mouth go.


One day recently in a state of frustration and confusion, I felt that I had no control over a certain situation in my family. I figured I could find the answers, and longed to step in and somehow fix the thing.


Whew - did God get an earful during that walk!


I stepped out my door, dog in tow, looked up and said, “Come on Jesus, let’s go. The sooner I solve this, the better I’m going to feel. I have to deal with this now!”


By the time I reached the corner I had laid out the basics of the situation.


The issue?  My grown, married son.


I explained the problem and poured out my heart.


“God, should I…?”


“Do You think if I …?”


“What if they…?”


“I think I’ll call. Better yet, I think I’ll go for a visit.”


On and on my feet, mouth and mind went.


I turned over every stone. Detailed each circumstance. Approached the problem from different angles, and suggested a variety of solutions.


Then, after an exhausting tirade, I had nothing more to say!


Opening my mouth to continue, nothing came forth. So I just walked on in silence.


About a block from my house, I felt God speak to my heart: “The two shall become one.” Whoa. I stopped in my tracks.  And then I heard three more words, which were almost identical to something God says in His Word: “Leave and cleave.”


“You’re right; Lord. I need to let them figure this out. And with Your help, they will.” 


Is there a situation you are facing that has made you weary? Are you at a point where you have nothing more to say? If so, you are not alone. Let’s pray today that our words will cease so that we can make room in our hearts and thoughts to hear His.


Father God, forgive me for being so quick to tell You how my life should progress. Forgive me for thinking I should be in charge of others’ lives. Thank You for Your Word that reminds me You are involved in the lives of Your children. Thank You for caring enough to speak to me even when I take so little time to listen. One more thing, watch over my children for me so I can take a rest from this challenging role as a mother. Teach me to trust You, in Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen.


Related Resources:

Visit Van Walton’s blog


From the Pound to the Palace by Van Walton


Consider gifting one of these two books to your married children:

Generation Next Marriage: The Couple's Guide to Keeping it Together by Trisha Goyer

The Power of Prayer to Change Your Marriage by Stormie Omartian

Application Steps: 

Build time into your conversations with God, time to listen to Him, and let Him answer your prayers and speak to your heart.



Do I know God’s voice when I hear Him speak?


Am I familiar with His Word?  When He speaks, do I understand what He is saying? 


Power Verses:

Psalm 95:6-8, “The LORD, our Maker…is our God, and we are the people of his pasture, and the sheep of his hand. Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts…” (ESV),


Ephesians 5:31, “For this reason a man leaves his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.” (NASB)



 © 2009 by Van Walton. All rights reserved.


Proverbs 31 Ministries

616-G, Matthews-Mint Hill Road

Matthews, NC 28105
