Proverbs 31 Womans Devotional - Encouragement for Today

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Encouragement for Today - Aug. 30, 2006


August 30, 2006


Encouragement for Today


Principal #1


  “El Roi - The God Who Sees”

Wendy Pope, Coordinator of Development, Speaker Team Member


Key Verse:

Job 23:10,"But He knows the way that I take; when He has tested me, I will come forth as gold." (NIV)



I was two steps off the pace. I was dancing to the wrong song. I could not even remember what day it was. I had put one too many "to do’s" on my list. You've been there. We add more and more to our list then complain when we can't get it all done. We go to God begging for help and like the compassionate, loving Father that He is, He helps.


Independence: something a mother longs to see develop in her child. My four-year-old had become quite insistent about walking into preschool alone. He was adamant about it. He wanted to go the complete distance, all the way into school, from the parking lot, by himself. An independent, spirited, four-year-old-boy and a busy preschool parking lot do not mix. He could not understand why I had to walk with him. I did not want to extinguish his self-sufficient spirit, but I needed to make sure he arrived safely to his classroom. So, in true mom fashion, I came up with a plan to make him think he was walking by himself.


Upon arriving in the parking lot, he would unbuckle, put on his backpack, get out of the van, and wait for me. Together we would look for cars, and decide whether or not it was safe to cross. While standing by the van, I watched him cross the parking lot out of my sight. I quickly crossed the parking lot and followed at a distance far enough behind so he could not see me. He thought he was "the stuff.” It was wonderful to see his confidence soar. He followed the same path each day, and I was able to protect him without his knowledge.


I discovered today’s key verse in my daily Bible study. My heart rushed with warmth as I read this verse. I knew God had left this verse just for me. In my moments of confusion and busyness, he knew which way I was going. He was there to protect me, even without my knowledge, just as I had been protecting my son without his knowledge. I was overwhelmed to the point of tears. I thanked Him for His omnipotence. I praised Him for His provision.


In the circumstances that surround you today, in the events that are scheduled on your calendar, take comfort in knowing this: He knows the way you take. Rest in the promise "that you will come forth as gold," (Job 23:10), and "treasure the words of His mouth more than your daily bread." (Job 23:12)


My Prayer for Today:

Lord, thank you for being El Roi, the God Who Sees. It brings me great comfort knowing that you know the way I go and have prepared the way for me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


Application Steps: 

Sit quietly and reflect on the ways God has protected you as El Roi. Record in a journal what the Lord reveals to you. Sing a song of praise for His provision.


Reflection Points:   

How do I know God is leading me?


How do I praise God for His provision?


Do I share with others God's goodness to me? If not, why?


Power Verses: 

Psalm 121: 3, "He will not let your foot slip He who watches over you will not slumber." (NIV)


Psalm 121:5, "The LORD watches over you –The LORD is your shade at your right hand." (NIV)


Psalm 121:8, "The LORD will watch over your coming and going both now and forever." (NIV)


Additional Resources:

Out of the Mouths of Babes  by Wendy Pope


Good to Me  by LaTonya Mason


Intimate Moments With God  by selected authors


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