Encouragement for Today

If She Hadn’t Believed In Me - Encouragement for Today - December 13, 2019

Tracie Miles

December 13, 2019

If She Hadn’t Believed In Me

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“So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing.” 1 Thessalonians 5:11 (NLT)

If she hadn’t believed in me …

I would have never followed God’s call on my heart to be a writer of blogs and books when I had no writing experience or training.

If she hadn’t believed in me …

I would have never had the courage to be transparent in telling the stories God was writing in my life without fear of upsetting her or others.

If she hadn’t believed in me …

I would have never had the confidence to step outside of my introvert-loving comfort zone, willing to vulnerably stand on stage in front of an audience and share lessons I’d learned from God’s Word.

If she hadn’t believed in me …

I might have never survived a horrific, painful divorce experience. Because of her support, encouragement and unconditional love, I was able to stand strong in the face of great adversity and sadness.

If she hadn’t believed in me …

I might not be the mom and person I am today. From the day my first daughter was born almost 26 years ago (and the two more kids born in the following years), and through all the hardships I’ve endured, she has consistently reassured me I am a good mother and a good person — especially on those days when I felt like neither.

If she hadn’t believed in me …

There are countless leaps of faith, new opportunities and challenges I may have never taken, all of which have brought me joy, purpose and peace.

Who is “she,” you wonder? None other than my amazing mom.

My mom, Barbara, has been my biggest cheerleader my whole life.

To say she’s had an impact on my life as a whole and shaped me into who I am today would be an understatement. She’s the epitome of someone who encourages others in their calling and purpose, no matter what it is, and lifts the spirits of everyone she knows, whenever she can.

In addition to my mom’s belief in me, I am blessed to have had others support me in my calling over the years — my three children, my companions in ministry, other family members and many online friends. They have no idea how many times their belief in me lifted my spirits when I felt discouraged or how they’ve encouraged me when I felt like giving up. And that’s exactly what Scripture says we all need.

All throughout the Bible, we’re given instructions to encourage others. We also read verses meant to encourage us as we push forward in our callings and life in general. Why? Because encouragement is necessary to live out our faith.

1 Thessalonians 5:11 talks about this very thing: So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing.”

This type of encouragement isn’t about complimenting someone on a new outfit or giving them kudos for a job well done — instead, it refers to Christian encouragement. The kind of encouragement that spurs someone toward Christ and motivates them to follow His tug on their heart, in whatever direction He leads.

It’s the kind of encouragement which lets someone know God is using them as a vessel and their obedience is impacting lives, even if they can’t see it yet. Encouragement that reassures them what they’re doing matters in the kingdom of God and is making an eternal difference. Encouragement that reassures: “You can do this.”

Knowing someone believes in us and is cheering us on can often be the determining factor for whether we follow God’s call on our heart or shy away in fear, intimidation, self-doubt or feelings of unworthiness.

Who in your life needs encouragement in their calling today?

Lord, prick my heart with the people who could use encouragement for pursuing Your call on their life. Give me the right words and ways to encourage them most. I pray You give them courage to keep pushing forward, and fill them with confidence in the gifts and talents You have given them. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Hebrews 10:24, “Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works.” (NLT)

Proverbs 3:27, “Whenever you possibly can, do good to those who need it.” (GNT)

Are there writers in your life who would be encouraged to know you believe in their call to write? A COMPEL Training gift certificate is the perfect Christmas gift! To learn more about COMPEL writers training gift certificates, click here.


Join Tracie Miles on Facebook and in her Love Life Again Community Group for daily, faith-fueled encouragement.

When was a time someone encouraged you just when you needed it? How did that spur you on in your faith and help you keep pursuing God’s call on your life?

Who are three people you know who are serving God with their talents and would benefit from a sweet word of encouragement from you today?

Join us in the comments section to swap ideas of how you can encourage someone today!

© 2019 by Tracie Miles. All rights reserved.

Proverbs 31 Ministries
630 Team Rd., Suite 100
Matthews, NC 28105