Establishing the Work of Your Hands - Encouragement for Today - December 23, 2024
Establishing the Work of Your Hands
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“And let the beauty and delightfulness and favor of the Lord our God be upon us; confirm and establish the work of our hands—yes, the work of our hands, confirm and establish it.” Psalm 90:17 (AMPC)
My daughter — who once loved to brush the hair of her dolls, her siblings, or any animal that would sit still — is now a salon owner who loves to help her mama with all things beauty related.
Recently, she asked what skincare products I use. A sheepish smile crept over my face. You see, I don’t use any products at all! She was flabbergasted, and quicker than you can say “collagen cream,” she hooked me up with a three-step regimen to keep my skin glowing.
Yet Psalm 90:17 talks about a different beauty — the beauty of the Lord: “And let the beauty and delightfulness and favor of the Lord our God be upon us; confirm and establish the work of our hands—yes, the work of our hands, confirm and establish it.”
I love that the beauty of the Lord resting upon us is mentioned alongside God establishing the work of our hands. The Hebrew term for “work” in this verse — maaseh — refers to common tasks, practices, concerns and deeds. These are the routine duties we perform, the practices we implement so our days run smoothly. "Work" may also include the concerns we have about someone who requires our attention or the deeds our hands carry out for those who are hurting.
In Psalm 90:17, we find a marvelous daily pattern of prayer: asking God, in all His beauty, to confirm and establish the work of our hands. And accompanying this prayer, I’ve also implemented a three-step regimen to carry out each evening that can help me have a beautiful next day.
First, I ask myself what I need to "button up." Is there an issue unresolved or a task unfinished? Did I get interrupted while doing the dishes or paying bills online? I will identify one such task I can button up before bed, checking it off my to-do list.
Second, I choose something I can get a head start on for the next day. For instance, could I brown the meat for the sloppy Joes I plan to make for a grieving neighbor? Getting a jump start on a task or two can help tomorrow go more smoothly.
Finally, I ask myself what my "big three" chores are for the next day. I might have a dozen things I’d like to accomplish; however, I list only the top three most imperative tasks. Three feels doable, and I can always add more items if those get completed.
God cares deeply about our daily lives. When we earnestly pray, He — in all His beauty — will establish our plans and empower us to work to complete them for His glory alone.
Lord, may Your beauty and favor be upon me. Confirm and establish the work of my hands for my daily tasks, done in the holy name of Jesus. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
If you need a resource that will help you perform daily tasks for God’s glory, grab Karen’s book, co-authored with Ruth Schwenk, The Love Your Life Project: 40 Days to Prioritize Your Passions, Cultivate Productive Habits, and Refuel with Times of Rest. It provides a biblical, guided journey to enable you to live your priorities and love your life. Check it out here.
Today Karen is giving away a “Work of Her Hands” gift bundle of organizational and Bible study tools — along with some tasty goodies — to help you get life done. Head to her Instagram for details.
Colossians 3:23, “Whatever you do, do it from the heart, as something done for the Lord and not for people …” (CSB).
What difference would it make if you did your daily tasks as though you were working for the Lord Himself?
Using Psalm 90:17 as a template, craft a prayer asking God to help your work be confirmed and established today.
We’d love to hear from you! Share your thoughts in the comments.
© 2024 by Karen Ehman. All rights reserved.
Proverbs 31 Ministries
P.O. Box 3189
Matthews, NC 28106