A Promised Peace That’s Out of This World - Encouragement for Today - December 27, 2023
A Promised Peace That’s Out of This World
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“Peace I leave with you. My peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Don’t let your heart be troubled or fearful.” John 14:27 (CSB)
It was one of those days of emotional overload. My nerves were stressed. My mind was restless. My heart was feeling battered and bruised.
I plopped myself on the couch and grabbed the remote. Maybe numbing my brain by watching television would help me to relax and forget my troubles — at least for an hour or so.
Two commercials popped up. One promised peace with a trip to a new local nail salon, and another suggested that serenity could be achieved by grabbing tickets to a tropical escape. Both images were tranquil and inviting. How incredible it would be to experience that magnificent paradise! I knew I couldn’t afford a vacation. Perhaps a pampering pedicure might do the trick?
But I know from experience that while a trip to the salon or a getaway vacation might give us a breather, they are not what our hearts and minds most need. We need something more. And thankfully that something is free for the taking — the peace that Christ offers.
Jesus promises us peace of mind and stillness of heart so we can be free from worry and fright. He declared in John 14:27, “Peace I leave with you. My peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Don’t let your heart be troubled or fearful.”
The word “world” might first make us think of the earth and the people residing there. However, the Greek word translated here as “world” has a nuanced meaning. It refers to the affairs and adornments the world provides for us humans. The trinkets and treasures that sparkle and shine, many promising peace.
The world offers us activities that can distract us for a while. It attempts to dress us up and adorn us to give us a better existence. Certainly, in some cases, this helps. There are businesses in the world that help clothe our bodies fashionably or enhance our homes with stunning decor. But our hearts and minds are a different story. Outward embellishments and pampering activities don’t produce lasting harmony in our hearts — Jesus does.
The peace Jesus promises literally means having hearts and minds that are undisturbed, whole and no longer disquieted. We can rest assured and not be afraid, knowing God is in control. This is an out-of-this-world peace that Scripture describes as surpassing all human understanding (Philippians 4:7). And we are assured our minds will be kept in this perfect peace when we steadfastly trust in God (Isaiah 26:3).
Is your heart unsettled or your mind uneasy? Take your troubles to Jesus. He sees. He hears. He listens. He alone can provide serenity for your soul.
Father, forgive me for looking for peace from the world rather than from You. Thank You for the true peace You give me through Jesus. May it penetrate my mind, keeping my heart from feeling troubled or afraid. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
If you’d be encouraged by a devotional that will help you experience God’s peace, check out Karen Ehman and Ruth Schwenk’s book Settle My Soul: 100 Quiet Moments to Meet with Jesus.
Today Karen is giving away a “Promise of Peace” gift basket of Bible study resources and tasty goodies. Head to her Instagram to enter to win.
Philippians 4:6-7, “Don’t worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus” (CSB).
In what places and practices of the world have you tried to find serenity?
What one action step will you take this week that will help you seek the peace only Jesus can offer?
We’d love to hear your thoughts on this topic. Chime in here in the comments.
© 2023 by Karen Ehman. All rights reserved.
Proverbs 31 Ministries
P.O. Box 3189
Matthews, NC 28106