Proverbs 31 Womans Devotional - Encouragement for Today

<< Encouragement for Today

Encouragement for Today - December 28, 2005



Encouragement for Today


“How to Plan a Great D.A.T.E”

Renee Swope, Director of P31 Speaker Team, Proverbs 31 Speaker Team Member


Key Verse:

Mark 1:35, “Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.” (NIV)



I knew my husband was up to something special when he invited me to lunch on Friday. He said he had to go into work early that morning and would be getting off early.  It was our anniversary, so I shouldn’t have been too suspicious. But a lunch date? That was very unusual. I had already arranged for a babysitter that evening.


I could tell by his voice that it was going to be more than lunch, so I tried to squeeze out more details. However, he wouldn’t give!

He wasn’t home when I woke up the next morning, but I found a card with detailed instructions on the kitchen counter. Much to my delight, my instincts were right. He’d planned a whole day of anniversary surprises! The most important part was that I be back home by 1 o’clock so my “chauffer” could take me to my next destination. That day included pampering at a local spa, dinner out on the town, a walk under the stars, time to just talk, chocolates and flowers, and a reserved table away from the crowds, just for the two of us.


J.J. had planned the perfect date and every detail spelled L.O.V.E. to me! He’d chosen a time and a place. He’d made sure my heart and mind were prepared to enjoy our date and when it was over, our relationship was so much stronger. In fact, the next day our son was hospitalized and we were able to stand strong in that storm because our roots had gone deeper the day before.   


And so it is in our relationship with God. Each day He wants to spend one-on-one time with us. But it’s up to us to get creative. Here are a few ideas to help you plan a great date (Determine A Time Everyday) with God.

Choose Time Alone Each Day

Set ten or fifteen minutes aside each morning to begin your day with God. As your relationship grows, so will your time together.

Create a Setting for Two

Find a comfortable quiet place for your date with Jesus.  An area that provides serenity and peace will help you focus on Him. I have a favorite chair near a window in my bedroom with a pretty chenille throw over it. Every time I walk by, I know Jesus is waiting for me there!

Prepare Your Heart

Listen to some worship songs to prepare your heart to hear from the Lord. Music that reminds us of God’s love and power drowns out distractions and sets our focus on Him. Thinking about the attributes of God will magnify Him and shrink your concerns.

Give God the Chance to Speak to You

Everything God wants you to know about Him is written in the Bible, His love letter to you.  As you read, ask Him to show you truth that you need for the day. A great place to start is by selecting a Psalm and a Proverb to read every day.


This is your chance to listen quietly and share openly with God. He wants to be your best friend.  There is nothing you can tell him that he doesn’t already know and nothing that can make Him love you any more or any less!

Take a minute or two to write in a journal. It’s like keeping a spiritual scrapbook. When we record prayers answered and desires that have changed, we see – not how God changes our circumstances – but how He changes us! A great guide for journaling is Philippians 4:6-7. Paul encourages us to tell God our worries, our needs and desires, and thank Him for what He’s done.


We have to really want something before we will intentionally plan for it.  The importance of our date with God is to build a relationship – not to fulfill an obligation. Staying connected to the heart of God is the beginning of becoming the satisfied, peace-filled woman you long to be!  So set aside some time to plan a date with the One who knows you best and loves you most!


My Prayer for Today:

Lord, I want my relationship with You to grow! I want to know you more and be captured by Your love each day. Give me a want for You that cannot be satisfied by anything but You!  In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


Application Steps: 

  • Go to bed earlier tonight so you can be awake and alert tomorrow.
  • Write a “date” on your calendar with God each day this week.
  • Choose a favorite place and imagine Him there waiting for you.
  • Turn off the phone during your date.
  • Harness wandering thoughts. Keep paper nearby to write down “to do’s.”
  • Start immediately…set a date for tomorrow.


Reflection Points:

How does it make you feel to know that God wants date with you?


Is your schedule so full that time alone with Him seems impossible?


What is the best time in your day to pull away from the crowds?


When you think about a date with God, do you look forward to it or does it seem awkward?


Power Verses: 

Mark 1:35, “Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.” (NIV)


Psalm 73:28, “But as for me, it is good to be near God. I have made the Sovereign LORD my refuge; I will tell of all your deeds.” (NIV)


Psalm 90:14, “Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days.” (NIV)


Isaiah 48:17, “This is what the LORD says — your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel:  ‘I am the LORD your God, who teaches you what is best for you, who directs you in the way you should go.’” (NIV)


Additional Resources: 

Intimate Moments with God, by select authors


Searching for God’s Treasures in Everyday Life, by Renee Swope


Show Me the Way (Music CD), by Gwen Smith



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