Encouragement for Today

Encouragement for Today - Feb. 13, 2012


Lynn Cowell

February 13, 2012

Let's Make Time
Lynn Cowell

"...for there will be a time for every activity, a time for every deed." Ecclesiastes 3:17b (NIV 1984)

I didn't want to...yet I did.

Hungry, cold and dirty, my daughter walked through the door, home from softball practice. She wanted a snack, to talk and a hot shower, in that order. I wanted to keep working. I was on a roll; walking away from my computer was going to stop my progress.

But, I did. Putting my computer aside, I popped her favorite treat in the microwave and sat down to hear about my daughter's day.

That's not so easy for me to do. Like many women, deadlines loom over my mind. Work deadlines, volunteer deadlines, dinner and dirty clothes deadlines all call me to make them my first priority. Sometimes I do, but this day I didn't.

See, the day before, while in the process of making another time management decision, I remembered something really important. And that "something" brought tears to my eyes: my daughters will be gone all too soon.

These years they're in school will be mere memories before I know it. I want me listening to them, giving them my full attention, to be a part of these memories.

Ecclesiastes reminds me to keep a check on how my time is spent. "...for there will be a time for every activity, a time for every deed" (vs. 3:17b). The days of softball stories and tales of German class will not wait. I have to strike a balance in how I use my time, not neglecting people for tasks.

I want to conquer the temptation to let what seems urgent overtake what truly matters to me every day. Most of us have to work, pay bills, answer emails and do chores. But it's so important we also take time for talking, listening and parenting well.

Investing in children, whether they are our own, nieces and nephews, grandsons or granddaughters, neighborhood or church kids, is a privilege. Whether they admit it or not, they want us to hear their stories and learn about their days.

Will you join me today? Let's walk away from the computer. Set aside our phones. Turn off the televisions. And let's make time to talk with and listen to our children. One day, we'll look back and be glad we did.

Dear Lord, today I need to set aside what appears to be so important to give to those around me what they need: affirmation, attention and affection. Pour through me to love on them. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Related Resources:
Click here to have Lynn speak on this subject at your next church event. She'd be honored to share about "Mom and Me" time!

Visit Lynn's blog for unique ways to give your child affirmation, attention and affection. She's giving away two signed copies of her book His Revolutionary Love and her CD messageBuilding a Bridge to Your Child's Heart.

His Revolutionary Love by Lynn Cowell is a great resource for teen girls to find the One who will fill the love gap in her heart!

How about spending a night learning about God's crazy love for the two of you together? Just pop in Lynn's DVD His Revolutionary Love and enjoy!

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Reflect and Respond:
What takes me away from the ones I love? Cell phone? Computer? Laundry? How can I set healthy boundaries on the time I spend with these things so I can communicate to others they are more important than tasks?

Pray for peace and strength to conquer the temptation to let the urgent overtake what's truly important.

Power Verse:
Ecclesiastes 3:1, "There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven." (NIV 1984)

© 2012 by Lynn Cowell. All rights reserved.

Proverbs 31 Ministries
616-G Matthews-Mint Hill Road
Matthews, NC 28105