Encouragement for Today

God Doesn’t Work by Coincidence - Encouragement for Today - February 7, 2023

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Tracie MilesFebruary 7, 2023

God Doesn’t Work by Coincidence

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“He has made everything beautiful in its time.” Ecclesiastes 3:11a (NLV)

I nervously typed up the email and reviewed it a few more times for accuracy.

For more than a year, I had been working on this new project. But now I knew it was time to trust God, move forward and spread the word rather than continue to let fear and procrastination keep me stuck.

As my fingers hovered hesitantly over the keyboard, I finally hit the “send” button. And off it went. A sense of anxiousness came over me but was quickly interrupted by a quiet voice stirring in my spirit.

What is today’s date, Tracie? God whispered.

Perplexed, I glanced at the calendar and was instantly taken aback. It was not until that very moment that my eyes were opened and I realized the significance of the date.

It had been exactly seven years, to the day, since my 26-year marriage imploded and my entire life turned upside down. My thoughts were instantly drawn back to the painful memories, overwhelming emotions and crippling fears that had brought me to my knees on that unforgettable, traumatic day seven years ago.

But God quickly shifted my thoughts and helped me refocus. I certainly hadn’t planned on kicking off my new business project on this particular day, and at first I thought, It's just a coincidence. But was it?

As I pondered this, God calmed my anxiousness and gently reminded me that over the past seven years, He had turned my life around completely, exchanged my sadness for joy, and transformed my pain into purpose. In His perfect timing, He had brought me to a place where I never thought I would find myself — healed, restored and filled with passion for a purpose I never even imagined.

I immediately recalled how, in Scripture, the number seven often symbolizes a sense of fullness or completeness. In fact, throughout the Bible, the number seven appears 735 times, and it often references the holy works of God, repeatedly serving as proof of the perfection and beauty God orchestrates.

In today’s key verse, we read that “[God] has made everything beautiful in its time” (Ecclesiastes 3:11). This verse reminds us that all things are crafted by God — including time. He is behind all things and the way they will turn out. It also reminds us that everything happens exactly when it should. Not by chance or irony but by a divine plan beyond our comprehension.

On this day ordained by God, after experiencing a devastating heartbreak I thought I’d never recover from, I stepped out in faith, pushed past my insecurities and pursued a dream God laid on my heart. I had no idea this was the day God had appointed for me to take this leap of faith. But it was. Certainly not a coincidence, this had been planned long before my time on earth even began.

My faith soared, and this evidence of God’s sovereignty reminded me to put all my trust in Him for all things. Always. Why?

Because nothing is random with God.

He had been divinely orchestrating behind the scenes to turn my ashes into beauty, in His perfect timing, exactly seven years later.

God is in the process of perfectly planning out your life as well, in a way only He can. Trust that He is in the details, and believe with all your heart that one day you’ll see His perfect plan for you fall into place.

I promise it will cause your heart and your faith to soar.

Lord, help me never to assume something is a coincidence but to see circumstances as God-incidences ordained by You just for me. Help me cling to the truth that You have a perfect, beautiful plan for me, my circumstances and my life. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


No matter what stage of life you find yourself in — whether you are single, married, a mom or a student — we want you to know you don’t have to figure out or live out your faith alone. That’s why The Proverbs 31 Ministries Podcast shares biblical Truth for any girl in any season. With episodes on leadership, spiritual growth, navigating hard seasons, theology and more, we’ve created a space for you to learn from people who have been there or are there now. Click here to listen to our latest episode!

If you’re struggling through the pain of separation or divorce and feel God could never bring your journey to healing or completion, grab a copy of Tracie Miles’ life-changing book Living Unbroken: Reclaiming Your Life and Your Heart after Divorce and the accompanying Living Unbroken: A Divorce Recovery Workbook, which comes with a free six-week video series.


To connect with Tracie and learn how God is using her pain for a new purpose — and to receive a free Life Timeline Template to help you begin seeing the God-incidences in your own life story — visit Tracie’s blog today. You can also connect with her on Instagram and join her private “Surviving Divorce” Facebook group.


Ecclesiastes 3:1, “There is a special time for everything. There is a time for everything that happens under heaven.” (NLV)

Think about the timeline of your life and significant mile markers. Are there any key dates in your life that “coincidentally” lined up with other important happenings? How does this help you see God is always present and divinely orchestrating your life?

We would love to know your thoughts in the comments!

© 2023 by Tracie Miles. All rights reserved.

Proverbs 31 Ministries
P.O. Box 3189
Matthews, NC 28106