Encouragement for Today

Encouragement for Today - Jan. 25, 2007

January 25, 2007

A Sunny Perspective – Part One

By Lysa TerKeurst

Philippians 4:7-9, “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me- put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.” (NIV)


There is such joy in leading women closer to the Lord, but I have to make the choice to see the joy and not be bogged down in the mundane duties that surround the calling. It all comes down to choosing what to focus on, for those things will become what’s most magnified.

In Philippians, Chapter 4, God clearly explains what we are to focus on. “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable- if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me - put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.”

I was contemplating such things on a recent flight from Illinois to Missouri. The day in Illinois had been very grey, dreary, and frightfully cold. It seemed the sun had taken a vacation and headed south. However, as we ascended from the ground and the plane broke through the clouds, I was astounded by the brightness of the sun. It had not gone anywhere, but was bright and warm and gleaming for miles.

That’s when the reality hit me – the people below don’t see the sun, therefore they may be tempted to think it is not there. The clouds and the dreariness magnify in its absence. Those below don’t have the same perspective as those who have risen above the clouds. Even though the clouds roll in and block the sun, it’s still there. It’s still bright, warm, and gleaming.

A smile crossed my face as I turned to let the sunlight spill over it. It became bigger and more magnified, redefining my day. When I got off the plane in Missouri, I looked up to the sky. Again, it was grey, cloudy and very cold. Though no weather reports said it was a sunny day, I knew the truth. The sun was there. May the sun forever shine brightly on your face and may the Son forever shine clearly in your heart! So, remember to look up and let God redefine your days.

Dear Lord, thank you for this visual reminder that even when the clouds of circumstance attempt to block my vision of You, that You are still there. Your love, grace, forgiveness and encouragement are there even if I don’t see it or feel it. Thank you for the days when I see You clearly – when You are bright, warm and beaming. But even on those days when I don’t see You I will thank You still. Keep my focus on You, Jesus, trusting that You alone can redefine my day. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Related Resources:

Leading Women to the Heart of God by Lysa TerKeurst

The Bathtub is Overflowing, but I Feel Drained by Lysa TerKeurst

What Does the Bible Encourage Us to Think About? ETC Corner

Application Steps:

Focus today on the reality that God is there for you, regardless of what you can see from where you stand.


Are you being robbed of joy because you are focusing on the wrong things?

Power Verses:

Psalm 4:6-7, “Many are asking, ‘Who can show us any good?’ Let the light of your face shine upon us, O Lord. You have filled my heart with greater joy than when their grain and new wine abound.” (NIV)

Psalm 119:15, “I meditate on your precepts and consider your ways.” (NIV)

Romans 13:14, “Rather, clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ, and do not think about how to gratify the desires of the sinful nature.” (NIV)

P.S. We wanted to let you know that Lysa TerKeurst, President of Proverbs 31 Ministries, will be on the Oprah Winfrey TV show this Monday, January 29th to share the amazing story of adopting her two sons from war-torn Liberia, Africa. 

Please join us as we pray that Oprah and her millions of viewers will see God’s hand in Lysa’s story; that seeds will be planted and His mighty Kingdom will increase; and that, above all, God will be glorified!

If you would like more information on adopting children in Africa, please visit www.acfinet.org. Or, if you are interested in helping children in Africa through sponsorship, Proverbs 31 Ministries has partnered with Compassion International and supports their humanitarian efforts in Africa and other areas of the world.  For more information on sponsorship, visit Compassion International. 

We treasure your friendship and prayers!

Proverbs 31 Ministries

616-G, Matthews-Mint Hill Road

Matthews, NC 28105
