Proverbs 31 Womans Devotional - Encouragement for Today

Banish the Unofficial Luggage of Foster Care
<< Encouragement for Today

Encouragement for Today - June 22, 2006


Encouragement for Today

Principle 7


“Loops of Love”

  Susanne Scheppmann, Proverbs 31 Speaker Team, Co-online Devotional Editor

(As told to by Linda Wooley)


Key Verse:

Psalm 139:13-14, “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”  (NIV) 



Linda’s life was a wreck.


Although she accepted Jesus Christ as a teenager, she did not nurture her relationship with Him.  She let her commitment to daily Bible study and prayer slide.  Linda crossed the threshold of the church doors only on special holidays.  She ignored Christian fellowship and accountability.  Linda’s life became a mess.


She married and divorced.

She raised two sons by herself.

She struggled financially.

She was not appreciated at work.


One spring day Linda had reached her limit of endurance.  Unfairly reprimanded by her boss, she despaired.  Emotionally spent, Linda contemplated suicide that night.


However, God had a different plan.  Although completely unaware of the episode with Linda’s boss, Linda’s supervisor interceded. He invited her to a small group meeting.  Where they studied Rick Warren’s The Purpose Driven Life.  Linda discovered she did have purpose and meaning in life.


Over the next twelve months, Linda recommitted her life to Jesus Christ.  She began going to church. She studied the Bible. She had fellowship with other Believers.   Linda began to serve others who needed her help.  Yet, she still did not know what God’s plan was for her life.


Although arts and crafts topped Linda’s list of life passions, she didn’t believe God could use it for His Kingdom.  He proved her wrong.


Her church started a women’s group called “Loops of Love.”  Women met to fellowship together and knit or crochet hats, scarves and other garments for the various orphanages around the world that are tended to by their missionaries.  Wonderful friendships and beautiful woven items came forth from the group.  Linda loved it.  The more friends, hats and scarves she made, the more she wanted to do.


Consequently, she cleaned her apartment and found enough yarn to make many sets of hats and scarves.  More supplies rolled in.  Neighbors donated yarn.  A friend gave her a case of yarn.  Eventually hundreds of warm and wooly items were shipped to grateful missionaries around the world.  She’s not done yet!  Her son recently asked Linda how much longer she is going to make hats and scarves.  She replied, “As long as God keeps supplying the yarn.”  As of this writing, there is no end in sight.


So, Linda discovered her current purpose in the Kingdom of God.  He knew exactly what she needed in her life.  God knows her inside and out, for He knit her together in her mother’s womb.  He has a plan for her as promised in Jeremiah 29:13, “For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’” (NIV)  He truly did give Linda a hope and future.  Her life is no longer a mess, but blessed. 


My Prayer for Today:

Lord Jesus, help me to find my own unique purpose in life.  Please keep me from discouragement when life becomes hard.  Remind me that you knit me together and that you have a perfect plan that includes my talents.


Application Steps:  

Make a list of the things you like to do.  Consider how you could do something for the Kingdom of God with these talents and passions.  Ask a few friends where they could see you using your God-given gifts and then get busy.  You will be blessed!


Reflection Points:

Do I know my purpose in life?


How can I encourage others to discover their purpose?


What can I do to bless others in the Kingdom of God with my unique gifts and talents?


Do I remember to give the glory to God for any compliments I receive?


Power Verses: 

Jeremiah 29:11, “For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”   (NIV) 


Hebrews 6:10, “God is not unjust; He will not forget your work and the love you have shown Him as you have helped His people and continue to help them.” (NIV) 


Hebrews 13:20-21, “May the God of peace, who through the blood of the eternal covenant brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, equip you with everything good for doing His will, and may He work in us what is pleasing to Him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.” (NIV) 


Additional Resources: 

What Happens When Women Walk in Faith, by Lysa TerKeurst


At the Feet of Ordinary Women, by Angie Conrad


Living Life on Purpose, by Lysa TerKeurst


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