Encouragement for Today

When I’m Thirsty for More - Encouragement for Today - June 6, 2016

Leah DiPascal

June 6, 2016

When I’m Thirsty For More

“Jesus answered, ‘Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.’” John 4:13-14 (NIV)

Have you noticed that water is becoming somewhat of a fancy trend?

Growing up I only had one option. Tap water.

That is, unless I was brave enough to drink from the river just outside our neighborhood or sip on rainwater as part of a school science experiment.

Today, grocery store shelves are lined with a plethora of water options: spring, mineral, flavored, sparkling … the list goes on and on.

Bottled water might be wrapped in snazzy labels. But the truth is, water in its most basic form is essential for living. And when you don’t have any, it quickly becomes the most valuable commodity, wrapped in fancy packaging or not.

I was reminded of this truth last week when our family went on a hiking trip through the mountains. Instead of getting an early start, we waited until after lunchtime and set out during the hottest part of the day.

I thought I packed enough water, but miles into our hike we ran out. As the sun beat down on us, and my mouth started to dry out, all I could think about was my need for water. And how I was determined to get some in order to quench my thirst.

Today’s key verse is from a story in the Gospel of John about a woman who also took a long walk during the hottest part of the day. You might know her as the Samaritan woman.

She was in need of water and taking necessary measures to get some. When she approached a well, she encountered Jesus, and the subject of water quickly came up.

Initially, Jesus asked for water, but as their conversation continued, He in turn offered her water. Not from a natural spring or the well she was using. Instead, Jesus offered the gift of living water.

“Jesus replied, ‘If you only knew the gift God has for you and who you are speaking to, you would ask me, and I would give you living water … Anyone who drinks this [well] water will soon become thirsty again. But those who drink the water I give will never be thirsty again. It becomes a fresh, bubbling spring within them, giving them eternal life”’ (John 4:10, 13-14 NLT).

Jesus knew this woman had made some poor choices. Life was difficult, and she’d developed a habit of looking to others in hopes they would meet her physical and emotional needs. It was a type of thirst she couldn’t seem to quench.

Maybe this living water would make her life easier? She had no idea this encounter with Jesus would change her life forever.

There may be times when we find ourselves thirsting for more — more recognition from others, more money in our checking account, more love from a spouse, more things to call our own.

We can embrace a trend of putting our hope into earthly possessions or certain people, believing they will quench our deepest desires. But the shallow water this world offers through its temporary fixes and short-lived fortunes will only bring us momentary satisfaction. Eventually we’ll thirst for more.

Like the woman at the well, Jesus invites everyone to receive His Living Water, which is the gift of His Spirit, along with forgiveness, redemption and grace.

He is the Fountain of Water, bubbling up within us, that gives eternal refreshment and strength for our souls. Only Jesus can fully quench our deepest desires and fill us with His overflowing love.

Are you feeling parched today? Like the woman at the well, open your heart and hands to receive all that Jesus wants to give you, so you never have to be thirsty for more again.

Heavenly Father, thank You for the gift of Your Spirit, which is the Living Water that quenches my soul and satisfies my deepest desires. Fill me to overflowing with Your love and joy, so I never have to thirst again for the temporary things this world offers me. Let my heart spring up with Your hope and peace from this moment forward. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Isaiah 58:11, “The LORD will guide you continually, giving you water when you are dry and restoring your strength. You will be like a well-watered garden, like an ever-flowing spring.” (NLT)

Did you know it’s possible to be close to God’s presence and yet far from His heart? Join Leah DiPascal and the First 5 writing team for the study of Numbers beginning TODAY! Get the Numbers Experience Guide here, and download the freeFirst 5 app today.

Stop by Leah’s blog to discover five benefits of drinking from the well of Living Water. You can also sign up for her giveaway.

Imagine going a whole day without water. How would your body respond from being deprived of what it needs? Would you feel weak, thirsty, sluggish?

It’s the same when we go through our days without tapping into the Living Water (Holy Spirit) — our soul will be deprived of what it needs. The “thirst” we long to quench can only be satisfied through knowing Jesus and having a personal relationship with Him.

© 2016 by Leah DiPascal. All rights reserved.

Proverbs 31 Ministries
630 Team Rd., Suite 100
Matthews, NC 28105