Encouragement for Today

Encouragement for Today - Mar. 10, 2010



March 10, 2010


Thinking Higher

Rachel Olsen


"Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things." Colossians 3:2 (NIV)



After becoming a believer nearly two decades ago, I've never been more excited about heaven than now. Honestly, I never gave it much thought before.


Perhaps I was too busy trying to figure out how to live in Christ on earth. And perhaps I was bit scared off by the oft-repeated adage that you can become "too heavenly minded to be of any earthly good."


I'd heard friends, loved ones and church leaders all warn of this. A focus on heaven can sabotage my walk with God?  Really?


That's not what I'm seeing in the Bible, nor is it what I'm experiencing.


Jesus told us to seek the kingdom of heaven first and foremost (Matthew 6:33). The Bible tells us that heaven is where God and Jesus are. And a taste for it is God-placed in our hearts (Ecclesiastes 3:11). E.M. Bounds writes, "The power of the Spirit binds us to heaven because Jesus is there. We are bound to love it, think about it, and desire it, for Jesus is its center and glory."


So thinking about, longing for, and planning for this glorious point and place in eternity where we'll be united with our Savior is a way to worship Christ. It is a means of seeing and savoring Him. And, it fills us with hope. Hope, the Bible reveals, is the seed-starter of faith.


Hope can shore us up in the face of much heartache and trouble on earth. It can make us eternal optimists. C.S. Lewis writes, "In the truest sense, Christian pilgrims have the best of both worlds. We have joy whenever this world reminds us of the next, and we take solace whenever it doesn't."


"Strongly, insistently, the Holy Spirit uses heaven and its untold, manifold good to move saints to action, awaken them from death, and to increase their zeal and love," Bounds explains. Heaven, then, is a stimulant for us on earth - a stimulant towards action, love, and zeal for Christ. Not a distraction.


Besides, being too heavenly minded has never been my struggle. I am so much more prone to being so earthly minded that I'm of little heavenly good. I can become myopically focused on me: my wants, my needs, my troubles, my possessions, my plans. I grow obsessed with Rachel-like living. Or else, I become hyper-focused on the state of the world: the popular culture, the politics, the weather, the economy.


When the reality of eternity and heaven comes crashing through my heart and thoughts, it pulls my focus up. Way up. Much needed perspective is gained and I'm able to redirect my thoughts and actions towards Christ-like living. I begin living now, again, for this future place and goal.


I'm guessing the "too heavenly minded" saying originated to describe someone who - like the Pharisees - spent their lives becoming self-righteous through their spiritual actions.  Or, perhaps someone who spent so much time in the pew that they neglected their family, friends, or serving their community.  I suspect these people were hearers but not doers of the Word.


I'd also guess these people probably didn't think much about heaven at all. Because to gain a true grasp of heaven is to have your eyes spiritually opened. It is to understand where this all is heading, and what you are truly made for.


It is to think and live higher.


Dear Lord, give me a vision and passion for heaven. May I live for that kingdom - for its King and by its rules. And help me to be of earthly good as I pass through this place, preparing for the next. In Jesus' Name, Amen.


Related Resources:

Do you know the One who can usher you to heaven?


For more on this topic - heaven and living eternally-minded - visit Rachel's blog


God's Purpose for Every Woman: A Compilation of Favorite P31 Devotions  by various Encouragement for Today authors; Gen Eds. Lysa TerKeurst & Rachel Olsen


A Woman Who Fears the Lord: T-shirt


Application Steps: 

Are your ideas about heaven and the life to come fuzzy? Begin searching the Bible for passages about it.



Do you think about heaven much? Do you believe you can think about it too much?


How do you feel when you do ponder your life to come in heaven?


How do your views on heaven influence your days here on earth?


Power Verses:

Ecclesiastes 3:11a, "He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men." (NIV)


2 Peter 3:13, "But in keeping with his promise we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, the home of righteousness." (NIV)



© 2010 by Rachel Olsen. All rights reserved.


Proverbs 31 Ministries

616-G Matthews-Mint Hill Road

Matthews, NC 28105
