Encouragement for Today

Encouragement for Today - Nov. 7, 2007



November 7, 2007


Waiting for My Portion

By Amy Carroll


Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. I say to myself, ‘The Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for him.’”

Lamentations 3:22 (NIV)



It was going to be one of those days. I had gone to sleep with the long list of things to do rattling around in my head, slept fitfully and awakened with a knot of anxiety. I’m sure that you know exactly what I’m talking about. I was facing a day with more list than time and none of it could wait. I drug myself out of bed and through the morning routine with my children.


As I walked back into the house from the bus stop, I was tempted to skip the one thing that I can’t live without. “But, Lord,” I argued silently, “you know that I’m dust.” (Yes, that’s scriptural, but also one of my favorite cop-outs.) “You’ve given me most of the assignments on my list today, so I know that You’ll understand if I skip my prayer and Bible study time.” Even while I rehearsed the argument in my head, I felt the draw of the One who could bring order to this chaotic day.

At this point I need to say that many times I’ve made the argument and gone straight to my check list. On this particular day, however, God brought to my memory something that my friend and leader Lysa TerKeurst had said many times. She encourages us to ask God each morning for our assignment and then ask Him for our portion. Asking for my portion was a phrase that had really stuck with me.


Scripture has a lot to say about how God feeds and strengthens His children. When Jesus was teaching His disciples to pray, He instructed them to pray, “Give us this day our daily bread.” (Matt. 6:11 NIV) Notice that He didn’t say weekly bread (as if we could get everything we need at church each week and live the rest of the time on our own), monthly bread, or yearly bread.

The picture I love most, though, is that of the Israelites in the desert gathering the manna that God had provided as food. God’s direction was to gather as much as they could eat for the day but not to try to keep it over night. Some ignored this last part of the instruction and found themselves left in the morning with stinky, maggoty leftovers! (Exodus 16). God wants the same thing for us as He wanted for the Israelites. He wants us to trust Him each day for what we need. He wants us to be dependent on Him each morning as we face the day asking our Provider for our portion.

I recently heard a question that I’ve been chewing on for some time. If I could knock on the door of God’s office and ask for a look at His heavenly calendar, what would be on it that day for me? The speaker followed with an even more piercing question—what would NOT be on it that day for me? God clearly extends mercy to His overextended children, but I think that maybe the portion is for the items that He divinely has included on my daily agenda.


That morning I took the lesson to heart. I spent some time on my knees crying out for my portion, for God’s order for the day and for a change in my own rotten attitude. Friends, I want to testify that He is faithful! The day went smoothly, and I even had a few minutes to put my feet up, to close my eyes and to thank Him before the bus returned to bring home my next assignment. He is good!


Dear Lord, I thank You that You promise to provide just the portion of strength and faith to face each day. Help me to come to You trusting that You will be my Provider. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


Related Resources:


6 Habits of Highly Successful Christians by: Brian T. Anderson & Glynnis Whitwer


God’s Purpose for Every Woman: a P31 Women’s Devotional by: General Editors: Lysa TerKeurst & Rachel Olsen


Do You Know Him?


Application Steps: 

Start with a saying that I love: “I’m too busy today NOT to pray!”


Schedule an appointment with Jesus everyday. He promises to be there.


Be real in your time with God. Pour out your heart and talk to Him as you would a trusted friend. You can be reverent without being formal.



What is the source of my strength to meet the day’s challenges?


On the days that I don’t seek God for my portion, how is that working for me?


Power Verses:

Psalm 36:5, “Your love, O Lord, reaches to the heavens, your faithfulness to the skies.” (NIV) 


Psalm 73:26, “My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.”



Proverbs 31 Ministries

616-G, Matthews-Mint Hill Road

Matthews, NC 28105
