God Really Likes You. No, REALLY! - Encouragement for Today - November 14, 2018
![]() | November 14, 2018 |
“For I have every confidence that nothing — not death, life, heavenly messengers, dark spirits, the present, the future, spiritual powers, height, depth, nor any created thing — can come between us and the love of God revealed in the Anointed, Jesus our Lord.” Romans 8:38-39 (VOICE)
I turned 62 years old this past summer. I thought I would have a harder time telling people my real age, but as it turns out, saying I’m 62 has become very empowering. I often tell people, “The older I get, the more I’ve learned. And the more I’ve learned, the less I know. But what I do know, I really know.”
This is what I’m confident of at age 62: I know God loves me. There! That’s it. That’s about all I really know for sure.
But, oh my goodness, that knowing changes the lens I use to view every situation, problem, blessing and even the unexpected. It changes the trajectory of my days.
I mean, think about it — if we wake up every morning and truly, deeply believe and trust that God simply loves us, how does that change how we feel about who we are? Would we go through our ordinary days with a few less self-imposed “should-haves”? Would that critical voice in our head saying, “You aren’t enough” be just a little quieter? I think it would. I think I might be more patient in traffic too — just bein’ real!
For instance, I’ll be honest and tell you I might not worry as much if I got my swim workout done or not. I might be less judgmental of myself over some misspoken words I said to my husband or one of my kids. I might be less frantic that I didn’t get all my errands done or phone calls made. I might be a kinder, gentler person if I just sit in the knowing. God loves me. God is for me.
Brennan Manning once said that God doesn’t just love you — He likes you. Whoa! That really got my attention. There are people I love, but fewer people I like. So, it makes my heart happy to think God likes me. I can’t stop thinking about it!
Today’s key verse is one of my very favorites. The word NOTHING is a big word!
“For I have every confidence that nothing — not death, life, heavenly messengers, dark spirits, the present, the future, spiritual powers, height, depth, nor any created thing — can come between us and the love of God revealed in the Anointed, Jesus our Lord” (Romans 8:38-39).
Nothing just means nothing. It doesn’t have an “except for …” attached to it. Nothing. Period! No “buts” “ands” or “except-fors.”
I like to argue with God sometimes, and I’ll say, “But God, I’ve put on some weight, and I feel like I’ve let me and You down. Do You still love me?” And, it’s like I hear Romans 8:38 quietly in my spirit:
“Sandi, NOTHING!” “Yeah, but God …”
“God, were You paying attention? I got a divorce. My kids have been hurt by my choices.”
But God quietly comes alongside my spirit and says, “Baby girl, I know pain. I got you. I love you — NOTHING!”
And now, at 62, I think I finally believe Him. And it’s changing me. It’s changing how I move through my days. There is eternity in every single moment because God is in every single moment.
As I return to Romans 8:38-39, I’m learning to say, “I have every confidence that NOTHING … can come between us and the love of God …” That is the first and most important building block of my faith in Christ.
Friend — I want you to know today how much you are loved by the God of the universe. Right now, in this very moment. Right where you sit or stand. With or without your makeup on. You are so deeply and passionately loved.
Father God, thank You for Your love, goodness and faithfulness in my life. Thank You for being on my side and for being my champion, comforter, wonderful counselor and prince of peace. You are a good, good Father. Help me fall into Your love more often than I do. Help me stop trying so hard to impress You. Nudge my spirit to simply want to show up in Your presence just to be near You. Continue to draw us home, to You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Jeremiah 31:3b, “… I have loved you with an everlasting love — out of faithfulness I have drawn you close.” (VOICE)
Deuteronomy 31:8, “The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” (NIV)
Christian music icon Sandi Patty astounds listeners with her powerful voice, and yet for years, she struggled with emotional and spiritual scarring that left her feeling despairingly voiceless. In her new book, The Voice: Listening for God's Voice and Finding Your Own, Sandi shares timeless wisdom and deeply intimate stories that will help you uncover your God-given identity and a voice of your very own.
Connect with Sandi at SandiPatty.com to learn more about her book, The Voice. Or follow Sandi on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
Hoping for your own copy of The Voice by Sandi Patty? To celebrate this brand-new book, Zondervan is giving away 5 copies! Just share a comment here in our comments section, and you’re automatically entered. {We’ll randomly select the winners and notify each one via our comments section by Monday, November 19.}
What are some thoughts and feelings you have (about yourself or God) that prevent you from fully understanding that God loves you just as you are?
© 2018 by Sandi Patty. All rights reserved.
Proverbs 31 Ministries thanks Zondervan, a division of HarperCollins Christian Publishing, for their sponsorship of today’s devotion.
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