There Are No "Big" Prayer Requests - Encouragement for Today - July 13, 2015
![]() | JULY 13, 2015 There Are No "Big" Prayer Requests |
{Editor’s Note: We’re doing things a bit differently this week at Encouragement for Today. We’ve decided to dedicate this entire week of devotions to prayer. Will you join us in praying "big" prayers, according to His Word, believing nothing is too hard for God?}
"I am the LORD, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me?" Jeremiah 32:27 (NIV)
Eyes closed and head bowed, I rattled off my daily prayer requests: "Lord, please keep my children safe … watch over my mother … help my husband with all he’s got to do." Then I paused and said, "Now I’ve got a big one."
My next prayer was going to be for a friend battling advanced cancer. God certainly knew what I planned to say, and He knew we needed a miracle. So I’m not sure why I decided to prepare Him for what was coming.
His answer was clear and immediate: "There are no big requests to Me."
Instantly, I was contrite. "Of course not, Lord. What was I thinking?" Some heart-searching was in order, because I’m not actually sure what I was thinking.
I quickly realized my tendency to categorize and order my prayer requests, with most of them seeming "manageable." I do pray about serious requests when needed, but I don’t often seek out "big" prayers.
Maybe I subconsciously think I only get a few of them with God … kind of like making sure you don’t overload someone with too many favors. Perhaps it’s because I’m not a natural risk taker. Keeping my prayers "easy" seems safer in my mind.
Looking back, I can see I put human limitations on God. But how silly to compare God to a person, when He is incomparable in power.
The God of the Universe made everything we see, and everything we can’t, with a word. From the simplest cell to the intricacy of our brains, He designed and created it all. There are no limitations to His power. He can (and does!) send angels to protect my children and restore health to my friend’s body at the same time.
No matter how hopeless the situation seems, God is more than able to step in and do what no human can do.
In Chapter 32 of Jeremiah, where we get today’s key verse, we read how God made a promise that seemed impossible from human standards. Jeremiah prophesied about impending calamity for the rebellious Israelites. The people were about to experience devastation from an enemy as a consequence for their great disobedience. Yet God’s intention was to bring His people back one day to Jerusalem with a softened heart, to live in safety.
On the surface, that promise seemed inconceivable. And yet God reminded Jeremiah that nothing was too hard for Him: "I am the LORD, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me?" (Jeremiah 32:27).
Centuries later, an angel told a young virgin named Mary (newly pregnant with Jesus), "For with God nothing will be impossible" (Luke 1:37, NKJV).
Thousands of years later, God said the same thing … to me.
Why do I compare God’s power to mine? Why do I worry about "bothering" Him with too many "big" requests? Why do I accept so many situations and never even think about praying for them to change?
Truth is, I’m much more comfortable praying for things that could be solved in my power. There’s an underlying fear God might say "No," or worse, stay silent.
Plus, I’m afraid I’ll misuse my invitation to pray or seem demanding. The last thing I want is to treat God like a genie in a bottle. Those complicated fears limit my prayers for God’s help in many impossible situations.
Oh how that must grieve the heart of my Heavenly Father. He knows how much more He wants to do in my life, if only I’ll invite Him.
Here’s the truth: When I build my faith on what I can do, then I will only see what I can do. But a faith based on what God can do? … now that’s life-changing.
That’s how I want to live my life. I want my prayers and faith to go beyond human power. I want to bring everything to my Heavenly Father, every care, every need. Not with a demanding heart, but with one with positive expectation.
It’s not my responsibility how God decides to answer. But that shouldn’t keep me from asking.
I’m tired of playing it safe. It’s time to cast off my fears, remove the limitations I’ve placed on God, and invite Him into every situation I face — especially those that seem hopeless. It’s then I’ll see God’s power, not mine.
Heavenly Father, I praise You for Your power and majesty. Forgive me for the times I’ve shut You out of my life or not asked for Your help. I want to be a woman whose trust in You is so great that I don’t think twice about praying for things that need Your supernatural intervention. Thank You for all You’ve done and will do! In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
John 15:7, "If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you." (NIV)
Luke 18:1, "Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up." (NIV)
Do you need reminders to pray God-sized prayers? Our beautiful custom-designed Faith Print and Faith Collection Jewelry can be that reminder.
Visit Glynnis Whitwer’s blog for a giveaway of a prayer journal to record your requests and God’s faithfulness.
In John 15:7 (A Truth for Today verse), Jesus gives us a condition for our prayers. What does it mean to remain in Jesus and have His words remain in us?
What prayer has seemed too impossible to pray? Will you leave a comment today declaring your faith in God’s power to do what only He can do?
© 2015 by Glynnis Whitwer. All rights reserved.
Proverbs 31 Ministries
630 Team Rd., Suite 100
Matthews, NC 28105