Proverbs 31 Womans Devotional - Encouragement for Today

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What if I Fall? - Encouragement for Today - January 23, 2015

Tracie Miles

JANUARY 23, 2015

What if I Fall?

"Remember, it is sin to know what you ought to do and then not do it." James 4:17 (NLT)

It seemed like a great idea at first, until my fear and procrastination caused me to miss a blessing.

I’d been invited to speak at a summer camp and my daughter Kaitlyn joined me. In between attending the worship events, we were given the opportunity to sign up for outdoor activities, one of which was a ropes and zip line course dangling high in the mountain trees.

After putting on safety gear and listening to basic instructions, Kaitlyn and I waited our turn in line. Yet while she was filled with excitement, dread filled my heart.

I watched each girl clip her carabineer and climb up the towering tree to the first platform landing. My heart raced and my inner voice of reason worked overtime. What was I thinking? Why would anyone want to climb all the way up there, just for fun? What if I get up there and I’m too scared to get back down? What if I can’t finish the course and get embarrassed? What if my rope breaks and I fall?

The more I procrastinated, the more people moved ahead and the more I convinced myself I could not accomplish this task. Finally it was my turn. I started up the tree. Slowly. Hesitantly. Fearfully. I looked down the entire time, though the camp leaders constantly encouraged me to look up instead. After just a few moments, I caved into all those irrational fears, climbed down the tree and removed my safety gear.

Later, I watched Kaitlyn climb high into the treetops, safely attached to the ropes, moving from platform to platform. I regretted my procrastination and fear of taking a risk. As the wind rustled through her long blonde hair and the sun shone on her face, she smiled and hollered down how beautiful the view was from high above. As she zoomed down the zip line and splashed into the lake water below, I could sense the accomplishment and joy that washed across her face.

And then I realized I’d missed the blessing of experiencing something new — seeing the beauty of the forest from a higher view instead of my limited view from the ground. Unfortunately, that wasn’t the first time I’d let fear and procrastination interfere with God’s blessings in my life.

Jesus knew we would struggle with procrastination. He gave us Truths in His Word to combat it. But in today’s key verse we also see that not doing what we feel called to do is not only procrastination, but sin.

When God calls us to make a "risky" move for Him, we often worry and try to reason ourselves out of it. We might spend time looking at our obstacles rather than at God, which makes courage flee and fear paralyze us. In fact, when we wait for every life circumstance to be perfect before we step out in faith, the devil is happy to spend his time trying to bring us down and convince us to never move at all.

Procrastination may seem to come normal for us, but it is never God’s best for us. We don’t often think of it as sin, but anytime we don’t do what God called us to do, when He calls us to do it, it is sin. It’s easier said than done, but we mustn’t let fear outweigh faith.

Jesus encourages us to fulfill the work He called us to do and not to waste time procrastinating. Not simply because it’s a sin, but because time is precious, and He promises that obedience brings blessings. How sad to miss the abundant blessings that come when we follow God’s call, simply because we keep putting it off.

Not pushing past my fears to a zip line obviously was not sin, but not doing what God instructs me to do always is. I’ve finally learned that when we take a leap of faith, with God, we have everything to gain and nothing to lose but fear.

Father, give me the courage to take a risk for You and the strength to take a leap of faith in whatever You call me to do. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

John 9:4, "We must quickly carry out the tasks assigned us by the one who sent us. The night is coming, and then no one can work." (NLT)

If you struggle with procrastination, be inspired to take a leap of faith by registering for Tracie’s free Online Bible Study of Your Life Still Counts: How God Uses Your Past to Create A Beautiful Future. Visit Tracie’s blog to participate and find out all the fun things that will be happening in this study!

Ready to take a risk for God this year and reap the blessings He has in store for you? Sign up for Tracie’s free 5-Day Faith Zone Challenge to help you move from comfort zone to faith zone.

Write two things God’s prompted you to do that you procrastinated in obeying. Pray for God’s strength and courage to act.

What is one step you can take this week to push past procrastination?

© 2015 by Tracie Miles. All rights reserved.

Proverbs 31 Ministries
630 Team Rd., Suite 100
Matthews, NC 28105

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