Selwyn Hughes Everyday Light Daily Devotional

<< Every Day Light, with Selwyn Hughes

Every Day Light 7/24

July 24
For reading & meditation - Proverbs 9:10-18
"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding." (v.10)

I hope that what I set out to do in this study of Proverbs has been accomplished - namely, that from now on and as much as possible, you will steal, drink, lie and swear. I mean, of course, that you will steal time out of your schedule to read continually from the book of Proverbs; that you will drink regularly from its clear refreshing waters; that you will lie on your bed at night and meditate on its great themes; and that you will swear by the grace of God to put its powerful principles into daily practice. If you consider that I have not touched on some aspect of Proverbs, then I have served you well. It will stimulate you to deeper and further study. The "seven pillars of wisdom" I have suggested, you must remember, are the dominant themes I see in Proverbs. Others will have different observations. Read them too - it will help you gain even more perspective. I am praying that these meditations will stimulate you to pursue that most glorious of all qualities - divine wisdom. But remember, do not seek wisdom for its own sake. Seek it that you might more effectively represent the Lord Jesus Christ. And beware of legalism, that soul-destroying attitude that takes pleasure in principles more than in the Person who is behind them - our Lord Jesus Christ Himself. If you still don't know Him, then bow your head this very moment, repent of every sin you have committed and quietly surrender your heart and life into His hands. Committing your way to God is the beginning of wisdom; continual trust in Him will see it develop and grow.


Father, grant me this wisdom, not that I might have an advantage over others, nor to fulfil selfish needs, nor even to advance my fortunes. I seek it that I might know You better, love You more and do Your perfect will. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

For Further Study

1 Kings 3

1. What was Solomon's request?

2. What did God grant him?


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