From His Heart, by Pastor Jeff Schreve

How the Down Can Get Out - From His Heart - September 19

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"Enter His gates with thanksgiving, and His courts with praise. Give thanks to Him; bless His name. For the LORD is good; His loving kindness is everlasting, and His faithfulness to all generations." Ps. 100:4-5

Down and out. Feeling the blues. Lonely. Depressed. Discouraged. Disillusioned. A case of the blahs.

What do you do if these words seem to characterize your life right now? How can you get out of the dark pit you are in when you feel down and defeated?

God has the answer in His word, and it is a sure fire way to change your outlook on life. What is this silver bullet of an answer? Well, it is very simple, but very profound. The answer is... thanksgiving and praise. There is great power in a thankful, praising heart.


I have found that when people get down and discouraged, thanksgiving and praise tend to be the last things on their list. To the natural mind, it seems ludicrous to thank and praise God when everything is going wrong. But the truth is, God inhabits the praises of His people (Ps. 22:3), and the giving of thanks, regardless of the adverse circumstances, is a great declaration of faith. And faith pleases God!

You see, thanksgiving and praise say to God, "Father, I know You are the King and in complete control of all things. I know You are good and merciful. I know that You love me. So as an act of faith, I thank You and praise You, even in this great trial that I am experiencing, for I believe You are going to work all of this together for my good, just like You promised."


I encourage you to take the challenge and put God's Word into practice in your life. Every morning, noon, and night, "enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise." As you do, you will experience a change within, a significant attitude adjustment regarding your circumstances. For God will help you get your eyes off your pitiful situation and onto your powerful Savior who can move mountains and part seas. There is nothing too difficult for Him. So praise Him, thank Him, and bless His name. You'll be so glad that you did!


Pastor Jeff Schreve,
From His Heart Ministries

Dr. Jeff Schreve believes that no matter how badly you may have messed up in life, God still loves you and has a wonderful plan just for you. From His Heart provides real truth, love and hope on over 700 radio stations each day, in 182 countries each week on TV, and is always available online. Pastor Jeff takes no income from this ministry. All donations go to furthering the broadcast outreach. As a listener/viewer supported ministry, we thank you for joining with us to help speak the truth in love to a lost and hurting world. Go to for more information.


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