Jeff Schreve From His Heart Devotional

Banish the Unofficial Luggage of Foster Care
<< From His Heart, by Pastor Jeff Schreve

From His Heart - Week of January 17


 "As they had their pasture, they became satisfied.  And being satisfied, their heart became proud; therefore, they forgot Me."  Hosea 13:6

Years ago, when Debbie and I were still somewhat newly married, we went away for an overnight stay at my parents’ condo on Lake Conroe.  It was going to be a romantic time together, just the two of us on the lake.  I was excited about it! 
It took about 45 minutes to drive to the condo.  When we arrived, it dawned on me … I had forgotten the key to the place!  What a bummer!  Needless to say, that overnight stay lost some of its luster as we spent a good portion of Friday night in the car.  I couldn’t believe that I had forgotten one of the most important things to make the weekend go smoothly – the key!
The sad tale of God’s Old Testament people can be summed up simply.  They sought the Lord in their distress.  The Lord answered their prayers and delivered them.  They became satisfied and proud in their God-given prosperity, and they forgot Him and forsook Him.  How terrible.  How tragic.  God was the key to everything for them, yet they quickly forgot Him.          
How does it happen that a people who have seen, heard and personally experienced what God has done would ever forget Him?  It happens little by little.  It happens when we fail to daily, consistently read His Word and remember the great works of the Lord.
“He has made His wonders to be remembered; the LORD is gracious and compassionate” (Ps. 111:4).  The Hebrew word for remembered means scent.  He has made His wonders to be a scent for us.  The wonderful aroma of God’s compassion, love, grace and faithfulness is to be breathed in as we read (and reread) of all His marvelous works. 
1.  The plagues in Egypt and the parting of the Red Sea remind us that God is a deliverer that we can trust, even when all hope seems lost. 
2.  The miraculous birth of Isaac to Abraham and Sarah reminds us that we can trust God to keep His promises. 
3.  The victory over Goliath reminds us that “the battle is the LORD’s.”  God will show up and show out if we will step out in faith, like David did, and face the giants of life.
4.  The raising of Lazarus from the dead reminds us that God doesn’t always do exactly what we ask, but His way is way better.  
Let me encourage you to spend unhurried time each day reading the Bible and reliving the wonders of God.  All His miracles reflect His glory and His goodness.  They give us strength and hope for the battles we face.  They remind us that “God is for us,” and we can trust Him. 
Don’t forget the key to all of life – the LORD Himself.  Remember Him daily, and put Him first.   
“The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; a good understanding have all those who do His commandments; His praise endures forever” (Ps.111:11).

Jeff Schreve

P.S.  If you'd like for us to join you in prayer, visit us at  

Jeff Schreve is Senior Pastor of First Baptist Church in Texarkana, Texas. He and his wife Debbie have been married for over 20 years and are blessed with three wonderful girls. Jeff began From His Heart Ministries, a radio and television ministry, in January of 2005. This ministry is completely listener/viewer supported. It continues only through the faithful and generous gifts of people like you. Pastor Jeff takes no salary from this ministry. All gifts go to further the broadcast.


Guys, the time is now to stand up and be counted.  God's call is for men to be the godly leaders He created them to be. Join Pastor Jeff Schreve as he shares proven biblical insights to heal wounded hearts and show men how to push through passivity, accept responsibility, and lead courageously. Learn how to become the man God created you to be in this powerful 6-Message series from Pastor Jeff titled MAN UP: GOD’S GUIDE TO REAL MANHOOD



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