Girlfriends in God

Counting the Ways of Love - Girlfriends in God - March 14

March 14, 2014
Counting the Ways of Love
Gwen Smith

Today’s Truth

I have seen you in the sanctuary and beheld your power and your glory. Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you. (Psalm 63:2-3)

Friend to Friend

Several years ago I experienced a memorable God-moment when my flight had been delayed. On that particular warm June morning, I had gotten to the Philadelphia airport crazy-early and was eager to get home to my young family after a beautiful weekend of ministry. No lie - when I saw that my flight was delayed, I was bummed. My initial disappointment, however, quickly dissolved into gratefulness, as the extra airport time became an opportunity for me to have extended personal worship.

As I sat facing the flat runway, a fiery orange ball began to rise over the horizon that was simply breathtaking. I couldn’t help but to reflect on God’s goodness as He bragged on Himself with the glorious sunrise. I remember sensing His presence and His pleasure deep inside as I considered a few of the reasons that I loved our amazing LORD. In the chaos of the terminal, I felt a peace and serenity that was profound.

Have you ever had one of those sweet, intensely personal God-moments?

Taking it all in, I sipped fresh-brewed coffee as my mind wandered to that classic poem “How Do I Love Thee? Let Me Count The Ways,” written by the talented poet of the Victorian era, Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Her poem seemed the perfect backdrop for my worship. Out of that sweet moment of personal worship was birthed the lyric for a song titled Because that I recorded later that year:


by Gwen Smith and Randy Rothwell

Another flight delayed, sitting here I think of You

Sipping on a dark “Seattle’s Best”

As the sun is rising, I pause to give You praise

A solitary moment in a blur of busy days

Where should I begin?

There’s so much I could say

Why do I love you?

Let me count the ways…

Because You chased me

And then You caught me

Because You cherish me

Because You bought me

You change me deeply

You set my heart free

Because I’m never satisfied

Without Your presence right here by my side

People all around rushing by, just passing through

Carrying the baggage we all own

Desperate for true love, richer life and perfect peace

A chance for satisfaction with a prayer of belief

In Your presence there is serenity

Father of mercy, I love you endlessly…

Because You chased me

And then You caught me

Because You cherish me

Because You bought me

You change me deeply

You set my heart free

Because I’m never satisfied

Without Your presence right here by my side

Hear my heart in this noisy sanctuary as I sit here all alone

You are worthy of a song that’s never ending

I will sing until I’m safely home, safely home

Lord I love You, Oh I love You

Have you really savored our Savior lately? Have you paused to adore Him today? What about yesterday? This week? In the midst of marriage, mothering and ministry, I constantly struggle with freeing up time to ‘just sit’ with God and worship… to behold Him in His sanctuary… yet this is what God desires most! Our affection. Our adoration. Our love.

So today, I praise Him for missed flights that lead to worship. I praise Him for sunrises that demand a prayerful response. I praise Him for the peace He brings to my frazzled. For the calm His presence brings to my chaos.

Before we pray together and tell God some of the endless reasons we love Him, I’d love to lead you to His heart with music. Click here to hear the song “Because” that’s featured on my Facebook page:

Let’s Pray

Heavenly Father, There are so many reasons why I love you! You chased me and caught me. You cherish me and bought me with the blood of your Son, Jesus. Please forgive me for the times when the busyness of life crowds out my time to adore You. Hear my heart today as it tenderly and sincerely whispers, “I love You!”

I praise you and pray this in the powerful, saving name of Jesus, Amen.

Now It’s Your Turn

·What do you praise Him for today? Think on that. Make a list. Give Him thanks. Worship! Then swing over to my blogand tell me your top 5 things!

  • Write a love note to God. List at least 10 reasons why you love Him.
  • Read Psalm 63 and then pray for God’s presence, provision and protection in your life.
  • Write a “love note” to someone special in your life whom you feel led to bless. Pray that God would lead you in this.

More from the Girlfriends

Ready to worship God on a whole new level? Order a copy of our latest GiG book, Knowing God by Name, A Girlfriends in God Faith Adventure. This is the perfect book for individual study or for gathering a group of friends in what we call GiG Groups. With impactful devotions, study questions, journal pages, free on-line video intros, and an index of trust-building Scriptures, this book will take you to deep places of trust and responsive praise.

LOVE TO WORSHIP? You can listen to samples of Gwen’s music on her website, iTunes or on her YouTube page.

Seeking God?
Click here to find out more about
how to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Girlfriends in God
P.O. Box 725
Matthews, NC 28106

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