Girlfriends in God Daily Devotional for Women

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Three Steps to Becoming a Finisher - Girlfriends in God - April 6, 2020

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April 6, 2020
Three Steps to Becoming a Finisher
Kathi Lipp

Today’s Truth
Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Won’t you first sit down and estimate the cost to see if you have enough money to complete it? (Luke 14:28, NIV).

Friend to Friend
I, by my nature, am an un-finisher.

I love to start. Especially books, crafts, home DIY ideas… Really, anything that could be considered a project — let me get started.

The only problem? Finishing.

I’m one of those girls who puts all her energy up front. Like the couch potato who decides to run a 5K and is off to a great start, but then passes out from dehydration because she is making such progress she doesn’t want to stop for water. (True story.)

I’m the person with all the big ideas, but who can’t seem to get to the finish line without burning myself out (and usually, everyone around me).

I leave a wake of half-finished projects and broken promises in my path. And eventually, I’m the person who can’t be relied on. And I know that God has called me to more than to be a starter. I need to be a finisher.

I want to be the person who comes up with a plan and sees it through. I want to be not only the person who comes up with the great idea at work; I want to be known as the person who is reliable, who can see that great idea through.

For years that was not my track record. But that’s the great thing about a God who sees us: our challenges are not a surprise to Him. He is patient with us and our struggles and knows our heart.


I know you were expecting me to say pray first, but I believe I need to do a little planning, so I know what I’m getting into (and know exactly how to pray).

When I’m planning a project, I not only look at the steps I need to complete the task, but all of the costs involved:

  • How much money will this take?
  • How much space will this take in my house?
  • How much time will this take? 
  • How much energy will this take (of mine and others)?

These questions force me to think through the project before I even get started. I have, in a few instances, decided that the project was too high in cost to even start and decided that it wasn’t worth my time and energy. Because the very best time to quit a project is before you even start!


Now that I know what is involved, this is a great time to pray over all the plans I’ve made. Pray over the people who will be involved, the finances and other resources that are needed. Praying not only is connecting with God and asking Him to shape my plans, it’s thinking through those plans again and letting the Holy Spirit direct me.


Now is the time to take action. Make the phone calls that need to be made. Send those emails. Lay the groundwork to make this a successful project.

And spend a few minutes thinking about, dreaming about, what it will feel like to finish this project. You have planned, prayed and prepared well. God will see you through to the end.

Let’s Pray
Father, You know me, and you know my nature. Help me to be an accurate reflection of you — the completer. Let my faithfulness be known because I’m yours.
In Jesus’ Name,

Now It’s Your Turn
Is there a project you’re stuck on? One that you feel like you need to give up? Can you go back and take it through the Plan/Pray/Prep steps to see if you can be a finisher on it?

More from the Girlfriends
Is your home one of the areas that needs finishing? Check out our 7 Day Room Refresh – One Week to a More Peaceful, Clutter Free SpaceYou will learn the process of reclaiming your room one day at a time.

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